The Best Trips To Take With The Family

Even though summer is coming to a close, there’s never a bad time of year to take a trip out with the family for a day or a weekend. This doesn’t have to mean a few days of sun in Europe or along the coast. A trip with the family just needs to be an adventure, and there are many different ways in which you could find something to get the whole family pumped for some bonding time.

At the end of the day, what matters most is that you’re all spending time together. It doesn’t matter what you do so much as who you’re spending it with. That being said, there are good trips to take and bad trips. A history lesson at the local museum might not be exactly what your children were hoping for when they wanted a break from school more than anything else. Here are some ideas for the best trips you could take with the family during this summer or perhaps even autumn if you need a little planning time.

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Exploring The Risks Of Different Sports

We love our sports on this little section of the web, and we’re sure you do too. But that doesn’t change the fact that sports can actually be very dangerous. If you’re not careful, you can get seriously hurt playing certain sports. In fact, you might be surprised by just how dangerous some of your favorite sports actually are. Let’s start by thinking about American Football.

A Nasty Bump On The Head

You might think that American Football is safer than something like Rugby. On the surface, the main difference seems to be that in American Football you are given a lot more padding. Of course, that wasn’t always the case, and when the sport first started, athletes were using leather caps which was why they were popularly referred to as ‘leatherheads.’ Of course, back then there wasn’t an issue with steroid usage in these types of sports, but that’s a discussion for another day. So what is the danger of playing American football.

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What Is The Future Of The Music Industry?

The music industry was so simple before the internet came along. The record company would sign a band, give them an advance to make an album, and then market it. If you wanted to listen to that album, you went into a record store and bought it. The label took their disproportionate cut, but the band still ended up making a decent amount of money. Everybody was a winner. When it came to touring, it was just promotion for the album, that was where all of the cash came from.

These days things look completely different. The internet has upended the way that the music industry works entirely. The jury is still out on whether that’s a good thing or not, but regardless of whether you like it or not, the way that you buy and listen to music is wildly different to what it was a couple of decades ago.

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Creative Hobbies That Men Will Love

What are your hobbies? Do you find yourself stumped whenever someone asks you this question? Sitting around in your underwear watching Netflix, and eating your body weight in pizza every weekend doesn’t count.

If you have no hobbies to speak of it’s well worth picking one up, they can help you meet new people, improve your skills and are highly beneficial for your mental health too. When it feels like all you do is work and sleep, having a productive hobby to spend your spare time helps to break the monotony, and in general makes you a much happier person. Not sure where to start? Here are a few to get you going that will let your creativity run wild.

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The Sports You Might Not Have Heard About Before

Are you a keen sports fan? Think you know all there is to know about sports? Take a look at this list of sports you might not have heard about before, and you’ll realize there is a lot more to sports than football and hockey, as fantastic as they are…


Like basketball? Enjoy trampolining? You’ll love Slamball – a sport which combines the two. In Slamball, players use strategically placed trampolines to make the act of slam dunking the ball much easier and a lot more fun too. Unlike basketball, Slamball is a full contact sport, where players can often be seen slamming their bodies together in mid-air, which means it’s quite aggressive and broken bones and bruising are not uncommon.

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3 Effective Tips That Will Make You A Better Guitar Player

The guitar is probably one of the most popular instruments in the world. It’s quite an exciting instrument to learn, and there’s a lot of coolness surrounding it. However, some people struggle to get to grips with it and just can’t play the guitar as well as they’d like. If this applies to you, then here are some great tips that will make you a better player in a short space of time:

Find A Guitar That Feels Right In Your Hands

When an Olympic sprinter gets ready to run, they don’t put on any pair of trainers they find. Instead, they look for a pair that fit well and make them feel comfortable enough to run as fast as can be. It’s the same with guitarists and their guitars; you need to find one that feels right.

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Why You Need to Spend More Time in Nature

Too few people turn to nature when they need a break. An outdoor adventure really might be the precise thing you need; people need breaks when they’ve had enough of their everyday reality, and that reality is rarely something that involves the beauty of the outdoors. It usually involves drab offices, endless computer use, uncomfortable commutes, stressful obligations. It gets suffocating, stressful, boring.

Outdoor breaks can be great for your mental and physical health; not only do many of them require more from your from a physical standpoint, but the temporary severing between you and the dry modern world of technology and business can do wonders for your stress levels and overall positivity. Here are just a few of the benefits that nature can provide to you!

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Beat Boredom During Quiet Nights In

As much as we would love to be out every night, it’s impossible with our small budget. After all, whether you are going to watch sports, or going for a drink at the local boozer, it can soon add up. But a lot of guys get bored if they have to stay indoors every evening. In fact, the evening can really drag. However, it doesn’t have to be the case if you plan your night well. In fact, here is how to beat boredom during quiet nights in.

Have a movie fest at home

Going to the movies can often cost you an arm and a leg. By the time you have bought your ticket and invested in a lot of delicious snacks, it can soon come to around $25 for a single trip!

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America’s White Boy’s 2017 MLB Un-All-Star Team

It has become a yearly tradition that we look at all the former MLB All-Stars that aren’t having very good years.

The season is a little more than half over and it’s not too late for some of these players to bounce back and turn their seasons around. You can look at our Un-All-Star team article last year, many bounced back and finished strong.

Since I’m an active fantasy baseball owner, it didn’t take me long to make this list. I spent most of my time just baffled that some of these guys were actually All-Stars at one point. 

The old benchmark for an All-Star was thrown out with the bathwater when Bud Selig decided each team must have at least one representative in the All-Star Game.

Here is America’s White Boy‘s 2017 MLB Un-All-Star team.

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Online Distraction Tactics 101 (That Don’t involve Social Media)

Your phone and laptop are the perfect ways to escape the reality of a job you hate right now or a situation that’s been playing on your mind. However, social media may have a major part to play in whatever’s grating on you, and it can be difficult to ignore when you’ve got a load of notifications popping up on your screen regularly. Therefore you might want to consider some other methods to distract your busy mind, and relax for a while; the following are some ideas and links to get you started on the road to chill.

Watch Stuff

Who needs a T.V. when you’ve got all the latest shows, pranks, and vlogs, on the internet. There are plenty of options that require you to pay, like Netflix; however, there’s plenty of free entertainment online too. YouTube shows content and music videos specifically made for that platform; it also has an array of past show episodes and older movies too. Check out 10 of the best YouTube channels here: You could spend a rainy afternoon watching something hilarious, instead of worrying about when a certain person is going to reply to your Whatsapp message.

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Indoor Sports to Explore With Your Friends

It might be summer now, but that’s no excuse not to try some indoor sports. Depending on where you live, indoor sports could actually be more beneficial to you than just outdoor sports. For instance, if it rains regularly where you are then it could create nasty conditions to play in, and the fields might be full of people sunbathing and relaxing, so the last thing you want to do is hit someone with a ball or accidentally injure a bystander. Indoor sports offer a safer and controlled environment, and there’s almost no chance that someone will kick a ball or throw something so far that it gets lost.

But indoor sports alone isn’t as fun as with friends, so here are a couple of ideas that you can get involved in together with a group of friends.

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The Best Sports for Your Children to Play

As a parent, there is little better you can do for your child than getting them involved with sports. Even if they don’t go on to become a professional in sport later in life, the physical and social skills they can garner from being involved in it as a child are immeasurable. They help children to remain physically fit. They also help them to understand how the team dynamic works. So, get your child involved in a sport — and do so as soon as possible! And if you’re stuck as to what sport you should involve them with, then make sure to read on to find the best sports today for children to play.


Softball is the perfect sport to involve your children with because of the fact that it is a direct stepping stone to baseball. And if training your child in a field that could benefit them professionally as an adult is your goal, then this is a course of action that you should take. But softball shouldn’t just be chosen as your child’s sport of choice for this reason alone.

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