Category Archives: youtube

George ‘The Animal’ Steele Throws Out First Pitch, Eats Ball

George ‘The Animal’ Steele is a former professional wrestler whose career lasted from 1967-1989. He is best known as the wrestler with a blue tongue who ate the stuffing out of the turnbuckle.

Steele was in Rochester, New York for the Collectorfest monthly card show. He had the opportunity to throw out the first pitch at a Rochester Red Wings game. The Triple-A affiliate of the Minnesota Twins didn’t realize that he would make an epic first pitch.

Steele was handed the ball and he proceeded to eat away at the cover and started eating the inside of the baseball. After he was done eating, he threw the remaining piece as the game’s ceremonial first pitch.

I’m done describing it, you have to check it out for yourself. The video is after the jump… Continue reading

Ra Ra Riot covers Steve Winwood’s "Valerie"

We are four days into ‘Cover Song Month‘ and we are having a blast.

Steve Winwood is an underrated musician, but “Valerie” is listed under ‘guilty pleasure music’ in most people’s iTunes library. I love Ra Ra Riot and they did a great job with this cover. They didn’t stray too far away from the original and updated it for this generation.


A Sports & Entertainment blog that focuses on absurdity in sports, snarky banter, updates on Tim Tebow’s virginity, and decent sports gambling advice.

Nicki Bluhm covers Hall & Oates "I Can’t Go For That" in a Car

It’s the third day of ‘Cover Song Month.’

Most people my age are only closet Hall & Oates fans, but I’m pretty open about it. I’m fairly certain that I have mentioned the group a few times on this blog.

Nicki Bluhm and the Gramblers have an entire series of YouTube videos in which they cover songs while driving in a car. Their original cover of “I Can’t Go For That” went viral. I give Bluhm bonus points for difficulty…she’s the one driving in this video.

You can see more of their videos on Nicki Bluhm’s YouTube page.

A Sports & Entertainment blog that focuses on absurdity in sports, snarky banter, updates on Tim Tebow’s virginity, and decent sports gambling advice.

Weezer covers Toni Braxton’s "Unbreak My Heart"

It is Day 2 of ‘Cover Song Month.’

It takes balls to cover a Toni Braxton song. Weezer is known for their balls…wait a minute.


A Sports & Entertainment blog that focuses on absurdity in sports, snarky banter, updates on Tim Tebow’s virginity, and decent sports gambling advice.

Ben Howard covers Carly Rae Jepsen’s "Call Me Maybe"

June is ‘Cover Song Month‘ here on America’s White Boy.

Indie musician Ben Howard covers Carly Rae Jepsen’s “Call Me Maybe”. He turns the pop song into something that should be on one of his albums. It will be a fun month.


A Sports & Entertainment blog that focuses on absurdity in sports, snarky banter, updates on Tim Tebow’s virginity, and decent sports gambling advice.

Top 10 YouTube Videos of White Guys Dunking in the NBA

The movie “White Men Can’t Jump” didn’t help the stereotype that most white guys are un-athletic.I have had this blog for a few years and I cannot believe that I have never thought of posting ‘white guy slam dunk’ videos. There have been a lot of pale NBA players have graced us with fantastic dunks. Tom Chambers and Rex Chapman had awesome dunks and helped pave the way for Brent Barry to win the Slam Dunk contest…but let’s not fool anyone, the stereotype still exists.

I scoured YouTube in search of the best videos of white boys throwing it down in the NBA. I picked a few iconic dunks and a couple that have happened recently. Sadly, I couldn’t find a good Rex Chapman dunk video. Here’s the top 10 YouTube videos of “white guys dunking in the NBA”…I added a special video at the end.

*I updated this post, please click the link below to watch the videos!*


A Sports & Entertainment blog that focuses on absurdity in sports, snarky banter, updates on Tim Tebow’s virginity, and decent sports gambling advice.

Artist Of The Day – The Black Keys

In the past, I’ve done a “Song Of The Day” series, but I’m in a giving mood. In 2010, I did a “Song Of The Day post for “Tighten Up by The Black Keys. I just saw them in concert at the time and they blew my mind. Their latest album, “El Camino,” has been a fixture on my Spotify playlist since it came out in late 2011.

Living the last half-decade in Ohio, I’ve learned to love and support local music. The Black Keys are from Akron, Ohio and the state has embraced them. The citizens of Ohio can look at them and say, “They are one of us.” I hope it leads to more people trying to achieve their dreams.

I’ve got a triple stack of videos for you. All of these videos are off of “El Camino,” an album that every music fan should own. The first video is the official video for “Gold On The Ceiling.’ The video is amazing and captures what it’s like to see the band live and shows a glimpse of them recording the album. Secondly, I have audio of the track “Dead And Gone.” This track is such an emotionally raw track with a drumbeat to match. Lastly, I have the hilarious “Lonely Boy” video. I could watch the dancing guy in the video, all day.

For more videos, go to The Black Keys’ YouTube channel and subscribe.

Feel free to “Like” my blog on Facebook or click the Facebook box located within the sidebar.

A Sports & Entertainment blog that focuses on absurdity in sports, snarky banter, updates on Tim Tebow’s virginity, and decent sports gambling advice.

Random YouTube Artist – Tommy Knox

I am always looking around YouTube trying to find funny things, but sometimes I run across some pretty decent musicians that are trying to get their music out to the masses. Tommy Knox is a musician from the Chicago-area that has put his music out on myspace and YouTube. I have actually liked Tommy Knox for about a year. He does some decent acoustic music via a webcam. He does covers of popular pop songs as well as rap/r&b. He also has original music that he has made videos for as well.

Here are links to his

Myspace and YouTube pages.

A cover of Kings of Leon’s “Use Somebody”

A cover of Flo Rida’s “Low”

A Sports & Entertainment blog that focuses on absurdity in sports, snarky banter, updates on Tim Tebow’s virginity, and decent sports gambling advice.

Song Of The Day – Weezer (Pork & Beans)

Weezer did it again! After their last album, breakup rumors were louder than ever. Alternative Press magazine ran a story about the members of the band not speaking to each other between albums and Rivers Cuomo releasing a solo of B-sides didn’t curb the rumors. “The Red Album” has been swirling around on the net for the last few weeks and it sounds a little different from previous albums, but still predominantly Weezer.

I’ve been a fan of Weezer since “The Blue Album” and will keeping being a fan even if they put out a stinker of an album (“Maladroit). I’ve only seen one Weezer concert, but it would amazing. I would recommend going to a Weezer concert if you have the chance, they don’t tour often and who knows with Cuomo will go back to being a hermit and the band will eventually dissolve.

Here is the video for “Pork & Beans,” you will recognize a lot of random YouTube stars in the video, a true classic.

A Sports & Entertainment blog that focuses on absurdity in sports, snarky banter, updates on Tim Tebow’s virginity, and decent sports gambling advice.

Song Of The Day – Mae (Suspension)

I like to think that I had a little to do with Mae’s success. I know this can’t be farther from the truth, but after I saw them in concert, I told all my friends. I ended up interviewing the lead singer at a McDonald’s, which was across the street from the venue in Indianapolis. They opened up for The Starting Line, which was also very good.

Mae is a band from the Richmond, VA area. They released two albums on Tooth and Nail, which signs predominantly Christian rock acts. T&N doesn’t consider themselves as a Christian label, since they do sign bands that consider themselves as secular, like Mae and Emery. Their newest album, “Singularity,” was released on Capitol Records. It has a little different sound, more like Goo Goo Dolls than anything else.

Here is an oldie from Mae, “Suspension.”

A Sports & Entertainment blog that focuses on absurdity in sports, snarky banter, updates on Tim Tebow’s virginity, and decent sports gambling advice.

Song Of The Day – Shiny Toy Guns (Rainy Monday)

I think that Shiny Toy Guns – “Rainy Monday” seems like a good choice for a very rainy Monday. Many of the Opening Day games so far have been delayed by rain. I think the Brewers/Cubs game should be a pretty good one. By the way, did anyone see the Nationals/Braves game last night? I was pretty impressed with the Nationals new ballpark, plus the walk-off in the bottom of the ninth is always a great way to start off a season and a new field.

Here is Shiny Toy Guns – “Rainy Monday”

A Sports & Entertainment blog that focuses on absurdity in sports, snarky banter, updates on Tim Tebow’s virginity, and decent sports gambling advice.

Song Of The Day – Chris Cornell (Billie Jean)

American Idol’s David Cook just added some much needed juice to Chris Cornell’s solo career. Cornell’s solo album came out last year and it hasn’t sold very well. He was probably looking at a Soundgarden reunion tour, but Cook just sang Cornell’s version of Michael Jackson’s “Billie Jean.” I know, it’s like a version of a version of a version, but the only thing that matters is that Cook did an amazing job. Cornell should profit from this ’cause his version of “Billie Jean” is on his new album, “Carry On.”

I know all the judges on American Idol praised Cook for his originality and for “going out on a limb,” but listen to Cornell’s version, it’s not any different. Cornell actually sings the song much better, but don’t tell the normal 13-18 year old female watching Mr. Cook on “Idol.”

Here is Cornell’s version.

A Sports & Entertainment blog that focuses on absurdity in sports, snarky banter, updates on Tim Tebow’s virginity, and decent sports gambling advice.