Category Archives: weezer

Ranked: All 95 Weezer Songs Ranked

Weezer Blue Album Pinkerton Maladroit RankedRolling Stone recently ranked every Nirvana song as a tribute on the anniversary of Kurt Cobain’s death. This inspired me to do the same with a few of my favorite artists.

I’ve been a fan of Weezer since I heard my brother playing his “Blue Album” cassette tape. I’ve saw them in concert a few times since and they are still one of my favorite bands of all-time.

We’ve ranked all 95 songs Weezer have released on standard albums. If I added all their B-sides and covers, this list would be a lot longer…and their track “Susanne” would be very high.

Here is our ranked list of all 85 Weezer songs in descending order…and we’ve included some videos.

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Song Of The Day – Weezer (Pork & Beans)

Weezer did it again! After their last album, breakup rumors were louder than ever. Alternative Press magazine ran a story about the members of the band not speaking to each other between albums and Rivers Cuomo releasing a solo of B-sides didn’t curb the rumors. “The Red Album” has been swirling around on the net for the last few weeks and it sounds a little different from previous albums, but still predominantly Weezer.

I’ve been a fan of Weezer since “The Blue Album” and will keeping being a fan even if they put out a stinker of an album (“Maladroit). I’ve only seen one Weezer concert, but it would amazing. I would recommend going to a Weezer concert if you have the chance, they don’t tour often and who knows with Cuomo will go back to being a hermit and the band will eventually dissolve.

Here is the video for “Pork & Beans,” you will recognize a lot of random YouTube stars in the video, a true classic.

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