NBC was very busy yesterday. They decided the fate of most of their Thursday night lineup. ‘The Office’,’30 Rock’, ‘Parks and Recreation’, & ‘Community’ all were renewed, in the way Republican candidates endorse Mitt Romney…because they have to. NBC does not have much of a choice. Their network went from first in the ratings to fourth place, which is last among the big networks. They don’t have any shows to replace them right now and hope a few new shows emerge next season as Thursday night candidates.
Will ‘Community’ survive the overhaul that NBC plans to do in the 2012-13 television season? How will I get my Alison Brie fix, since I recently quit watching ‘Mad Men’?
I’m a huge fan of ‘Community’ since the middle of their first season. I didn’t know that the show was so good until a I went over to a friend’s house and he was watching it. The first episode I watched was their Christmas episode that was an homage to ‘Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer’. 90% of the episode was in claymation. It was a breath of fresh air in a television landscape that just recycles stale ideas.
The news slowly leaked out about NBC’s future plans. ‘Community’ will be renewed for thirteen episodes, with the rest of their season being left in limbo. The network ordered the same amount for ’30 Rock’ & ‘Parks and Recreation’, but but NBC announced that ’30 Rock’ will end the series after their thirteen episode order. The fate of ‘Parks and Recreation’ isn’t as gloomy, but it looks like that series will end as well. NBC did order full seasons of ‘The Office’ and ‘Parenthood’.It is likely that NBC could order nine more episodes of ‘Community’ to make a full fourth season. We can cross our fingers that the Peacock network will keep the critically-acclaimed show on for the fifth season.
If the show ends after its fourth season, it would make the show more realistic. Four years is the ideal amount of years that a student goes to college, but a fifth is plausible. This show was destined to last this length, because they would not want the show to end up like ‘90210’ or ‘Saved By The Bell’. The students on those shows must have flunked a year, since they lasted longer than four seasons.
A few reports have come out that Chevy Chase could be written out of the show. He is difficult to work with and has bashed the show publicly. He claims that the show is “not funny,” but he could just be jealous that he is not the show’s focus. He has a reputation of being difficult since he appeared on ‘Saturday Night Live’ in the 1970s.
NBC looks to keep ‘Parenthood’ on the air, but plans to cancel ‘Community’? What night of the week is that even on NBC? I know that it is another show that has low ratings and is beloved by critics. It has to cost more to produce than ‘Community’, but I could be wrong…since I’ve never watched an episode of ‘Parenthood.
I hope that Subway can save ‘Community’ like it extended the life of ‘Chuck’, another NBC show that I also enjoyed. You will still be able to see most of the cast in other projects on television and/or in concert. Donald Glover has a budding music career as Childish Gambino, Joel McHale has ‘The Soup’, and Brie has a recurring role on AMC’s ‘Mad Men’ as Pete Campbell’s wife.
Let’s hope that ‘Community’ will increase their ratings in the fall and forces NBC to keep the show on the air…#sixseasonsandamovie.
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