The Seattle Supersonics were moved to Oklahoma City a few years ago. This was the first time that their team reached the Western Conference Finals…but none of that is important anymore. After the Thunder beat the Lakers, shots were fired and some rioting occurred. So far, many are injured from gunshot wounds, but no fatalities have been announced.
Rioting after WINNING a sporting event is the most moronic thing a fanbase/city could do.
I will keep updating this blog post as more information spills in about this horrible tragedy in OKC.
As many as eight people were wounded by gunfire shortly after the Oklahoma City Thunder game Monday night. reported that the victims are still being located and turning up at hospitals. Two people are in police custody in connection with the shooting, police said. As of 3:200am EST, no one has been announced as a shooter.
As of this moment, police said that multiple people were shot downtown shortly after the Thunder game let out. Before midnight, another round of shorts were fired near Mickey Mantle Drive. The shooting could have started less than five minutes after the game ended.
The injuries that have been announced have yet to claim a life. One person was shot in the back, another in the upper arm and a third in the hand. There are also reports that a pregnant lady was kicked during the melee. Victims are still turning up to hospitals.
Oklahoma City police Capt. Lisa Camacho said that two suspected shooters are in custody at the Bricktown Harkins Theater. have interviewed some eye witnesses and they claim that this was not the first time this has happened. After Game 2, a witness said that traffic was backlogged because of fights breaking out.
I will never understand why cities riot after winning a sporting event. Vancouver’s riot after last year’s Stanley Cup loss was bad, but it would have been worse if they actually won. Let’s end the stupidity and celebrate responsibly and watch out for one another.
This is amateur video of the scene after the Thunder game.
Tyler Maxwell, one of NewsOK.coms’s eyewitnesses, summed everything up perfectly. He said, “The playoffs are (good) for our city but they’re starting to bring violence…I can’t imagine what would happen if this was the NBA Finals.” Let’s hope that the city has extra police force on duty when the Thunder hosts the San Antonio Spurs in Game 3 of the Western Conference Finals.

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