Category Archives: sporting goods

3 Simple Tips To Improve Your Long Distance Running Times

Running is probably the most accessible way of getting fit. You don’t need a gym membership, you don’t need any special equipment – all you require are a pair of working legs and the great outdoors!

Be honest, how many of you have taken up running this year? I bet you used to hate running long distances, but now you go out for multiple runs a week. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out the rise in running popularity was due to gyms closing for a few months! Anyway, it started off as a hobby to stay fit, but now it’s become more serious. You want to keep improving your times, and it’s frustrating when you hit a wall. Don’t give up, a PB is just around the corner if you implement these tips into your training regime:

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Why Fishing Could Be So Beneficial For You

Fishing is one of America’s most talked about sports, and it’s something so many people commit to because of just what it can do for you. After all, there are some big benefits to getting your fishing rod out and casting it over a river or lake. And if you’re interested in learning how to fish yourself, and getting out in the great outdoors on a more regular basis, let this be the last thing you read before you fully dive in and discover what the hype is all about.

You’re Outside

If you’re going to go out fishing, you’re going to be out underneath blue or grey skies. Because of this, you’ll be able to soak up the sun and the weather around you, which can really improve your levels of Vitamin D. Even if you can’t see the sun, you can get a real boost from it! 

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Maintaining Motivation When Training At Home

Millions of people all over the world have been advised to stay at home as much as possible. If you’re used to spending hours in the gym every week, it may have been difficult to adapt to home workouts, but there are ways of maintaining motivation. Here are some tips to help you get more out every session while gyms are shut.

Make use of the Internet

The Internet is a fantastic resource for those looking to get in shape or stay fit during the lockdown. Many gyms and fitness companies have switched to home workouts and interactive, virtual services during the Coronavirus crisis, and you can access all kinds of activities, training sessions and exercise classes without leaving your living room. If you’re bored of doing the same old workouts, make use of the web and vary your sessions. Try new activities, follow different trainers and introduce an element of friendly competition by joining online communities or classes. It’s easy to assume that you can’t do much when you have to work out in your garage or your garden, but there are myriad possibilities. From Pilates and dance classes to interactive spinning, outdoor circuits and online HIIT workouts, you can enjoy a host of different activities to make daily exercise enjoyable. 

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Shoes And Other Essentials To Wear When Golfing

When you are a beginner in a sport like golf, everything can be challenging. You still don’t know what the rules are, how to play, the etiquette to follow, the dress code, and a lot more. You might not hit the ball, or you need more practice on your posture to swing the club properly. You can read more about how to play golf in this link here.

Another daunting task that you need to do is to choose the best brands and excellent pieces of equipment that will make learning faster. There are so many respected brands when it comes to bags, clubs, balls, dresses, and shoes that it can be hard to know which one is best for you. If you want to know the must-haves, here’s a guide to help you out.

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Five Big Influences Basketball Has Had Outside The Game

There are some pretty hot debates over which sport is, of all of them, the quintessentially American sport. There’s football, of course, and baseball. But when it comes to cultural impact, it’s hard to look beyond the meteoric rise of basketball and just how deeply ingrained with the fabric of the US that it is. Here, we’re going to look at the impacts basketball has had beyond the same itself, and how it has shaped a generation of fans and people who are, if anything, only tangentially tied to the sport.

The democratization of sport

You can’t talk about the basketball court without talking about how it opened up the way for a lot of people to participate in sports in ways they might not have before. When it comes to football and baseball, there’s a need for a field, which requires space that simply isn’t available in many urban areas. Basketball courts fit into urban areas without any problem and, as such, a lot of kids were able to grow up playing in their local courts, taking that passion with them to school and, if lucky, on to the college and the professional level. Basketball made sports available to those in the city who didn’t have the opportunity before and, as such, has very much become the game of urban America.

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A Quick Guide To Building Muscle

When we think about working out, there are a few goals we are shooting for. One is to lighten the load a little, and the other is to bulk up and build muscle. We know that working out is good for us, but having other goals attached to it makes it even more appealing. 

Weight loss will naturally become a part of working out; that is just how it works. If the energy you burn is more than you consume, then the natural outcome is dropping the pounds.

But when it comes to building muscles, it is a different ball game. 

You have to know what you want to build, how you should be building it, and so much more. 

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What is The Future of American Tennis?

As we all know American Tennis has been down recently (on the Men’s Side. Serena Williams and Sofia Kenin are kicking butt right now). The last American to win a Grand Slam was Andy Roddick in 2003… That’s almost 2 Decades ago. There are players in the top 10 (Tsitsipas and Zverev to name 2) that could barely even hold a tennis racquet back then. American Sam Querrey made it to the Semi’s of Wimbledon in 2017 and Quarters in 2019 where he lost to Federer and Nadal respectively. Other than that… nothing. American Tennis has some up and comers that are top 100 but can’t quite seem to break out as elite talents. So what is it about the 2000’s that we can’t quite produce the same level of talent as the 70’s – 90’s when America once dominated tennis. 

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Alternative Fitness Ideas for 2020

Have you fallen into a rut with your regular exercise routine? Do you feel like you’ve hit a wall and there’s nowhere to go right now with your sport? Maybe it’s just the start of a new year and you fancy trying your hand at something new. Especially if you’re recovering from an injury and can’t do your regular sport or exercise, it’s worth looking into what else might be out there. Whatever your reason, January is a great time to pick up a new exercise or sport. You might already have something in mind but, if not, then read on for some alternative exercise ideas that might not have occurred to you before.

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Getting Back into Sports Following Injury

Injuries can occur at any time, and if you enjoy playing sports you’ll be all too familiar with this. The simple fact is that you could wind up with an injury from playing sports that might see you sidelined for a while. It even happens to the professionals, and they have all the conditioning and preparation us mere mortals are lacking, so should we really be surprised when it happens to us?! 

The simple fact of the matter is that injuries are part of the process for a lot of people who play sport, and you might even have fallen foul of an injury yourself. If you’ve been on a long lay-off it is important to make sure you get back to your favorite sport in the right way. So, you should look at using these tips to help you get back into sports following an injury.

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Tips on How to Get Started in Archery

Archery, like any other sport, requires a lot of time and dedication to get it right. There is so much skill involved, and a lot to learn. You will have to master how to aim and shoot in a calm and measured way. There are also many specific sport-related terms, jargonise, and measurements to go with it. And that doesn’t even begin to cover the equipment aspect. What with the different types of bows and other specific tools and devices that you’ll need to learn about to perfect the art of archery. But there is no time like the present.

So here are some tips to get you started:

Join a local club

Archery is becoming more and more popular, and that means there will be a club nearby that you can attend. Alternatively, there may be some scope to find an instructor who can help you on an individual basis. This way, you can learn the basics, and borrow equipment while you get your feet. 

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Black Friday is the Best Time To Find Deals on Activewear

There are a few different categories that I tend to hit hard on Black Friday: Electronics, Toys and Activewear. I tend to find the best deals for those items on that day. I would even suggest that activewear is the sleeper category that you can sometimes score big.

Nearly every activewear retailer releases the latest Black Friday ads this time of the year. I’m a man of habit, so I tend to hit up the brands I wear every day. I’m an Adidas shoe hoarder, a Homage t-shirt fiend and there are a handful of other brands that I wear while working out that I’ll mention later in this post.

Let’s point out a few important tips to help you find the best activewear deals on Black Friday.

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