Tag Archives: outdoor sports

Don’t Watch it Do It: Transform Sports Into Workouts

Weight_lifting_black_and_whiteIt’s a big year for sport. With some great fixtures spanning a whole variety of disciplines, there’s never been a better time to be a sports fan. Turns out, more and more of us are getting into sports as a form of exercise. We’re starting to shun the gym in favor for a more interactive and social workout. So whether football is your thing or you’re more of a swimmer, here are some of the most unique and grueling sporting fixtures of the year to get some exercise inspiration for your workouts…

European Weightlifting Championships – 1st-9th April

The Sport:

This annual event has been taking place since 1896 and this year it’s Croatia’s turn to host. Weightlifting is one of the biggest tests of strength and form. Until quite recently it was viewed as a way to build impressive muscle. Lots of women were turned off. However, there is now more and more proof that implementing weight training into your regime will help with weight loss, strength, and overall fitness.

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Playing Sports at Home Isn’t as Lame as You Think

pexels-photo-29011When people think of sports, they usually think of going out into the great outdoors and having fun with their friends in a giant field. For instance, football is a fantastic physical sport but you’re going to need a lot of people to play with you and a huge field with goal posts and everything. Tennis is great too, but you won’t be able to play without a net. Golf is another excellent sport, but you won’t be able to play it unless you make regular trips to a course and have expensive gear. This is why we usually make sports a group outing so that we can go to a field or a park to play. However, what about playing sports at home? Is it as lame or boring as people make it out to be?

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Outdoor Activities Worth Getting Out Of Bed For

Muggle QuidditchThe problem with trying to get fit is you are also trying to battle something incredibly boring. If something is fun then you’re more likely to do it. For example, how is it that you know all the lyrics to Rapper’s Delight by The Sugarhill Gang, yet don’t know the Periodic Table. Simple. The Periodic Table is so boring. So, what happens when you apply the same rules to getting fit? Well, you find yourself taking part in some totally alternative activities that grow your smile while shrinking your waistline. Now that is a winning situation. Smiling and sweating, something that was once an oxymoron, and yet now a reality, and one that will let you remain as far away from a serious sportsman as you want.


Okay, so there is no flying in the real sense of the term, but there is a chance to use your imagination in the same way you probably did when you were a kid. Also, who doesn’t want to play Quidditch (except for Piers Morgan who claims to never have read Harry Potter simply because he doesn’t want to concede to JK Rowling)? It may be embarrassing, but it is definitely going to make you smile. Just the names of equipment is going to make you smile, as you run around chasing after Quaffles and Bludgers and Snitches and all sorts. That’s our favourite bit, the Snitch. In the books and the films, it is a little gold ball that has wings and darts about so fast that the Seekers have a real job just keeping their ye on it, nevermind catching it. But, oh no, not in real-life Quidditch, where the Snitch is a tennis ball in a sock that gets tucked into The Snitch Runner’s shorts, who then has to run away from the Seekers. Continue reading