Category Archives: soccer

6 Reasons to Love Burnley F.C.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the weird and wonderful world of English Premier League football. Sides like Manchester United and Chelsea are virtually in the news every day, and they are world-famous football teams as a result of the constant media spotlight.

But, many other teams have a lot to offer their fans and the football world in general. They’re just perhaps not as well-publicised as those that are consistently at the top of the Premier League. Burnley F.C. is one such example.

In case you didn’t know, Burnley F.C. is a football team that hails from the Lancashire town bearing its name. They got founded 138 years ago, and their home ground is Turf Moor, renown for being the second-longest ground continuously in use in English football.

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How To Choose The Best Sports Gear

Choosing the best sports gear can be a pretty difficult task. After all, you look for a few qualities in your sports clothes, and finding them out, especially in high street stores, can be pretty stressful. And anyway, doesn’t it depend on a whole host of things, such as the sport that you’re playing, and how often you play? Needless to say, your gear also needs to be within your budget. If you’re looking for some great garments for the pitch, however, then look no further. We’ve put together a guide on how to pick out the finest gear for whatever sport it is that you’re playing!

Think about comfort

OK, OK… we know what you’re thinking. We sound like your Mom, right? However, finding comfortable sports gear is one of the most important things when your chosen sport is a huge part of your life, as you don’t want to be out there thinking about how uncomfortable you are, rather than the game that you’re playing. Make sure that you buy gear that you know is going to serve you well, rather than something cheaper that may cause you to feel uneasy throughout the game. The last thing that you want is to lose, just because you’re thinking about how uncomfortable your jersey is. Rather than ordering online, it’s a good idea to go to a store and try things on.

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Soccer Betting Tips – For Serious Money Makers!

If you base your betting activities on soccer-based markets, you must be aware of the fact that these markets present very good value to a keen and analytical mind. Soccer (more commonly referred to as football) is the most popular sport in the world and that in itself shows you why it presents a keen gambler with a good earning opportunity.  Whatever draws you into football gambling, the following guidelines will enable you to maximize your earnings:

Learn to find value

Every odd you see on a website has an intrinsic value but the concept of value is lost on most gamblers. When a bookmaker picks an odd, sometimes it is not a true reflection of the actual probability of that event happening; it could be motivated by market sentiment. Your job as a smart gambler is to look for the odds that have been incorrectly valued (based on good analysis of the actual game) and work with them. You will find that those hidden value gems will sometimes go against the grain. You will, therefore, need to train yourself to stand your ground and avoid being overwhelmed by gambler sentiment.   

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Think You Hate Sports? Think Again!

Have you ever been in that position where someone asks you about sports? Even something simple like, what sports you watch? And you just can’t give them an answer. It’s not even that you don’t like sports! You’ve always liked the idea of getting into them, but you’ve just been able to do it.

There’s nothing more awkward than when someone asks you something about sports and then all you can manage is a vague shrug. It’s the same with everyone crowding around the office water cooler to rave about some sports game, and you’re left on the outside. Well worry not, here are three spectator sports that you can get into easily and finally join in the discussion.


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The Importance of Sports for Kids’ Development

Playing sports has been found to improve blood circulation, lower your risk of hypertension, and improve heart health. I’m sure we’re all aware of the physical benefits of sports and exercise, but sports can also be healthy for children’s development in other areas of life.

From boosting self-esteem to learning the value of teamwork, there’s a reason that sports are some of the oldest pastimes of human history.

If you’re a skeptical parent about the value of sports and whether it’s actually a good investment for your child, here’s just five reasons why you shouldn’t be.

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An Insight into the Incredible Benefits of Playing Soccer

If you want to play soccer or if you just want to play a sport but you don’t know which one to go for then there are a couple of things that you can do to help yourself make the right decision. Soccer is a fantastic sport and you would be surprised at how easy it is for you to not only get fit while playing it but to also experience a ton of mental benefits as well!

Your Health

Soccer can really boost your health because it gives you a reason to work out and it also gives you a reason to have plenty of fun as well. You can really boost your cardiovascular health by being out on the field and it is a fantastic sport if you want to lower your body fat. With soccer being such an endurance sport, it is ideal if you want to tone up or even enhance your existing level of strength as well so you know that you won’t have any problems at all when you get started.

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Three Awesome Sports Holidays to Try at Least Once

Are you somebody that likes to do a fair bit of travelling? Are you also somebody that loves watching sports? Well, why don’t you combine the two passions in your life and head out on a sports holiday? And, let me tell you, when you do, you won’t be disappointed!

To see some of the most awesome sports holidays that our big, wide world has to offer, make sure to read on.

Witnessing a Super Bowl is a must

Does the Super Bowl need any introduction or description? No, it most certainly does not, and neither do we need to try and convince you to want to go and watch it! Yes, whether you’re a fan of American Football or sports in general or not, you will almost certainly know about the Super Bowl and the spectacle that it is, and that should be enough to interest you in witnessing it at least once in your lifetime.

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Why Recreational Sports are So Good for Adults

Most people, as children at least tried participating in various recreational sports for a while. Even if we did hang up our football helmets and tennis rackets when we discovered the opposite sex or developed other passions for less active things.

However, as adults, less and less of us are part of any softball, basketball or baseball team, perhaps because we feel we have too little time to commit to it on top of work and looking after kids or maybe because we’d rather stream the latest offering from Netflix instead or do our competing on the Xbox instead. This is probably not doing us very much good at all.

You see, there are numerous proven benefits to participating in recreational sports as an adult. Here are some of them:

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The 5 Most Influential Sports Stars of All Time

Sports are more than just great entertainment. Through sports exceptional individuals have not only excelled in their chosen fields, not only pushing the boundaries of achievement but influencing generations. History is rich with figures whose legacy goes beyond their sporting achievements and leaked into the broader popular culture, causing their names to become synonymous with greatness in the field and beyond.

But how have these sporting greats transcended their roots and become pop culture icons? What is it that makes their influence extend to the point that their jerseys become cherished commodities on Hollywood Collectibles? Let’s have a look through some of the most influential sports stars of all time and see how each, in their own way, has helped to change the world.

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How To Develop Your Child’s Interest In Sports

It’s always beneficial to encourage your child to participate in some form of sport. In the technological age of today, it can be hard to peel our children away from their games consoles, smartphones, and the TV, but if they grow a passion for sport at a young age, then they are unlikely to need very much persuasion to go out and participate in it. Sports not only help to keep your child fit and healthy, but also teach them about discipline and teamwork, so there’s no reason not to be supportive and encouraging. Here are some simple ways to help your child develop an interest in sports:

  1. Be Supportive, Regardless Of The Sport

Sure, you may keep up to date on any and all breaking hockey news, or you might have played football in college, but that doesn’t mean that your child is going to like either of those sports. Lots of parents become fixated on one particular sport and don’t listen to their child’s choice of sport. This is unlikely to encourage your child to participate in the sport of your choice, and may even discourage your child from confiding in you in the future. Instead of being strict and narrow-minded, accept whatever sport your child decides they want to participate in, whether it be hockey, ballet, gymnastics, or boxing.

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Is It Time To Take Your Sport To The Next Level?

There comes a time when a sport no longer becomes a hobby but a passion. If you feel you’ve mastered the basics or perhaps even conquered your sport on an intermediate level, it could be time to give yourself a new challenge surrounding your sport. Here are some of the major ways that you can progress to a professional level.


Every sports from football to mountain biking to even pilates has a competitive side. If you haven’t yet tried competing in some kind of event, it could be time to give it a go. A competition is the perfect tangible goal to make you want to get better. Keep competing until you start winning and then up the stakes when you feel ready by taking on bigger competitions.  

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Why Would Anyone Play Indoor Soccer Over Outdoors? Here Are 4 Reasons

When it comes to sports, there’s nothing quite like a pure and clean game of soccer. There’s teamwork, individual skill and plenty of tricks involves that can set you apart from other players. It’s currently played by over 250 million people in over 200 countries, making it the world’s most popular sport. The rules are simple, the game can easily be set up, and it’s a lot of fun with your friends.

With such a loyal following, it makes you wonder why indoor soccer was ever invented. Out of all the indoor sports you could play, it doesn’t quite make sense why you would confine yourself to a gym or court instead of simply playing outside. However, here are 4 reasons why you should give indoor soccer a try no matter what skill level you are or how often to play soccer with your friends.

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