Category Archives: Bachelor Life

Wait, Can You Actually Turn That Business Dream Into Reality?

Can you actually turn that business dream into a reality, or is that just a pipe ambition? Might it be that the people you see succeed on Shark Tank or those that raise their startups from nothing to something are just lucky, in the right place in the right time? Or could this be afforded to you as well, provided you have the idea, the will and the technical skills to give yourself that potential path forward?

Look around and see the businesses enjoying humble success, and you’ll see most of them started in a similar manner. A person with a certain expertise decided to branch out on their own, and took the personal and financial risk in doing so. They worked hard to get where they are, it all started with that self-belief – that ‘I can do this’ attitude that helped them on their way.

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Some Spare Change? Have Fun With It!

Spare change is something we have less and less of. Mostly because we use more cards and online transactions these days, but also because things a little more pricey than they’ve ever been before. So when you do have spare change, it seems like a momentous occasion! 

Sure, you could save your money, and that would be a very noble pursuit! But when you’ve got just a bit of spare change in your pocket, or you’ve got some more disposable income in the budget than usual, why not have some fun with it? Because there’s a couple of great ways to spend this kind of money, so let’s get into a little detail on them below.

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Black Friday is the Best Time To Find Deals on Activewear

There are a few different categories that I tend to hit hard on Black Friday: Electronics, Toys and Activewear. I tend to find the best deals for those items on that day. I would even suggest that activewear is the sleeper category that you can sometimes score big.

Nearly every activewear retailer releases the latest Black Friday ads this time of the year. I’m a man of habit, so I tend to hit up the brands I wear every day. I’m an Adidas shoe hoarder, a Homage t-shirt fiend and there are a handful of other brands that I wear while working out that I’ll mention later in this post.

Let’s point out a few important tips to help you find the best activewear deals on Black Friday.

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Tips to Help Find the Best Deals on Black Friday

It’s officially Fall and Pumpkin Spice Lattes are now our country’s preferred beverage of choice. It’s only a matter of time before it’s time to tackle to albatross of Black Friday shopping. 

Black Friday shopping can be extremely stressful with people crammed shoulder-to-shoulder in long lines just to get inside the door and another line just to check out at a register. Wouldn’t it be great to find a way to avoid all that hassle and still get the best deal?

Do Your Research

There are a number of Black Friday-themed websites that usually list Black Friday flyers from all the major retailers. It can be rather daunting to glean through them all, so just chose the stores you think would sell the items you’re looking for this Christmas shopping season. Also, look up Best Black Friday Deals on Google and you can usually find lists of some of the other sales from stores you may have overlooked. I would suggest as a nice resource for the best sales and coupon codes for Black Friday 2019.

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Top Ways To Boost Your Well-Being To Improve Your Drive and Performance

With everyday pressures building up, it can be challenging to get the right balance for your health and well-being. Self-care is one of those things that get pushed to the back of the queue. However, we often don’t realize just how much it affects our everyday lives. There could be times where you feel things are getting on top of you, and you’re dealing with a range of stressful situations. So looking at the causes of these issues can help address some of the areas in your life that are the root cause. ‘Living your best life’ is a term bandied about on social media a lot. However, you have to take this narrative with a pinch of salt. It can be overwhelming to see all these people on social media, so-called living the dream. But in reality, there’re probably just holding down a regular job and lifestyle like the rest of us. 

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Landlord Options

Why is it that some landlords have to wait months to find a suitable tenant to rent their property? If you are a landlord, or you are thinking of becoming one, read on.

It should be easy to rent out your property, shouldn’t it? You will not need to wait very long between one tenancy ending and the next one starting, will you? Why does so much property seem to have estate agent boards outside waiting to be let? Well, there are many possible reasons for this. It is true that some properties do not reach the standards for letting set by the local authority, and there are some rogue landlords who are trying to charge too much for poor properties.

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What to Look For In Lenders

If you plan on applying for any kind of loan, whether it is a personal or a business loan, you need to make sure to pick the best lender to get the loan from. This is to ensure that you do not pay your loan multiple times over, due to interest as well as ensure that the lender will provide the services you require.

This will be your guide for finding the lender you want.

1. Reviews

Just like every kind of service out there, you will find that there are reviews given by experts as well as past clients who have taken loans from the lender you are thinking of applying to take a loan from. You can easily research whether the lender was actually trustworthy or stipulated conditions that were hard to meet for a loan. There are many finance blogs that review various lenders and loans. There was a blogpost that reviewed Jora credit, amongst a few others and this was extremely informative as it  displays the lender’s disadvantages as well as advantages, so that any person looking to apply for a loan can have full disclosure when thinking of applying there. Likewise, you will find other blogs and reviews done by people who have already used different lenders

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When Was The Last Time You Expressed Yourself Creatively?

While not everyone is of a creative personality time, everyone can benefit from expressing themselves. Of course, different people achieve that in different ways. Someone might find themselves singing their heart out, others might find beauty in completing a maths equation. But of course, no matter where there is creativity and interest to be found, you can be sure it’s going to be soul-nurturing to a large extent. Just consider the reason why we watch movies. We might watch movies on a sad subject or a tragedy in history. The movie might be extremely well crafted, but we might not feel joy when watching it even in the least, in fact, the feeling is often quite the opposite. So why do we continue watching? Because something in us is nurtured by art, no matter what form it takes, as it can help speak to the human experience.

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Killing Time With A Little Change To Spare

Gambling has always been a fun way to spend your free time, especially if you have a little extra cash on the side because there is always potential for gaining some extra cash just by playing a game or two. It is no surprise a lot of people enjoy spending their leisure time on gambling since gambling has many different forms with different rules.

Another element that makes gambling so enjoyable is that fact that you no longer have to leave your house to enjoy a good game, you can always gamble, place bets, and play online without leaving the comfort of your house.

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How Your Insights Can Lead to Your Heart’s Desire

You have heard people tell you time and again to follow your heart. There is a deep truth in that statement. Your heart knows more than your mind or your gut. Quiet the questions and doubts that can drown everything else out. Stop overthinking. Look deep inside yourself and listen carefully. Your heart will always lead you in the right direction, giving you the insights you need as your guiding light to a happier and fuller life.

Embrace the Physical Connection with Your Heart

If you have been hurt in some way or your hopes have been dashed, it can be hard to trust your heart. You may close yourself off from the rest of the world or be afraid to take risks. You may be a skeptic who has always been ruled by logic. Connecting with that guiding presence inside of you may be a challenge. One of the best ways to get started on a journey to the heart is to lay your hand on your chest. Be still. Listen carefully for that steady beating inside of you. Let yourself get lost in the rhythm. Be one with the center of your being. You are building a bridge to your heart that can’t be broken, allowing you to let it carry you to where you are meant to go next.

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Why It’s Finally Okay To Embrace Your Inner Geek

It’s time to come out of the shadows. You no longer need to admit to not liking football. There’s no need to hide your sci-fi passions. You don’t have to lock away your vast collection of Marvel comics from your girlfriend. It’s okay to sit at home and watch Doctor Who! You are allowed to have hobbies that aren’t sports. You can wear your Iron Man t-shirt when you’re out on the town.

It’s finally okay to embrace your inner geek!

And this is good news, especially for those of us who do possess geek credentials. We don’t all fit into what used to be societal norms, and while this is okay now, it was only a few short years ago that this was looked down upon. Continue reading

Upgrading Your Style From Head To Toe

When it comes to upgrading your style, it takes more than just the price of the clothes you pick. Even with the most expensive clothes, you can still fall short if you lack an air of confidence about you. When you are confident in what you are wearing, you don’t have to do too much for people to notice you.

Looking stylish doesn’t necessarily have to be expensive. You just need to be creative enough to elevate your style. As long as you are willing to try new things, you will always be ahead of the game as far as your sense of style is concerned.

Of course, there are some staples that you will never go wrong with that should always form part of your wardrobe. Leather jackets and denim don’t cost much but they are always in style. At the same time, they cross virtually all genres of style.

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