4 Easy Ways To Improve Your Guitar Playing

It doesn’t matter if you’re somewhat a novice or a more experienced guitarist, the likelihood is that if you have a passion for your craft, you’ll want to better yourself. Sometimes when you get into a set routine with your playing, it can be tough to know how to shake things up. Never fear, here come a few ideas to ensure you see fast results! 

 Keep it fresh 

When you’ve got your fav tunes learnt and perfected, it’s easy to get into habits of repeating yourself each time you practice. It’s vital to learn by repetition and keep up your craft, yet if you want to advance further, make sure that you learn something new every day. It doesn’t have to be an entire song, of course; it could be one new chord, a strum pattern, a new technique or piece of advice from a trusted source. If you ensure that you are keeping it fresh with new things all the time, you’ll become quickly become more of a versatile and rounded guitarist. 

Listen back 

Many great guitarists like to record themselves and then listen back to their playing. When you are playing in the moment, it’s unlikely that you will be able to spot any mistakes, weak points, or be objective. Recording yourself can allow you to experience your raw performance and help you to figure out how you could stand to improve. After a few sessions of doing this, you’ll notice that you’ve minimized any imperfections that were there before. 

 Practice with others 

If you want to get your guitar skills to be top-notch, one of the great things that you can do is have a jam with some fellow guitarists. When you play with others, you can point out areas for improvement and pick up new techniques or songs. By creating with others, you can also allow yourself to make some really original music which uses different styles. If you don’t have any guitar buddies yet have a look on Facebook or Meetup and see if there are any local groups in your area. 

Choose the right guitar 

If you don’t have the right instrument to suit your needs, then it could be holding you back from achieving your full potential. You’ll need to ensure the correct size, style and sound that is complementary to you as a player. The best thing to do is to read reviews to learn about the sounds, shapes and advantages of each guitar. As well as this, you’ll want to test each one and gauge how it feels to play. Sites like https://guitaarr.com/ can help give you the low down on some different options. 

As with anything creative, the more that you practice, the more that your talents will flourish. Get into the habit of taking your guitar with you wherever you go, whether it’s a friends house, a walk in the park or on holiday. You’ll be surprised how much every little session helps. Many guitarists find eventually that they can also transfer their skills to learn other musical instruments.