The Great Outdoors: Get Fit With Mother Nature

When the sun is shining and the weather is warm, who wants to be working out in a sweaty, fusty gym? The great outdoors gives you plenty of opportunities to work out and use your body, you get to see the sights, soak up some sun and chances are you’ll have a lot more fun too. With spring and summer around the corner, here are some of the outdoor activities you can do to get fit!

Water Sports

If you live near a beach, why not make the most of the ocean? You could go surfing, paddleboarding, swimming, even scuba diving! If you don’t have your own equipment, lots of beaches have hire shops and it’s something fun and exciting you could do every now and again. You’ll be using your whole body swimming underwater, but be having so much fun taking in the spectacular sights and creatures that it won’t even feel like exercise. If being in the water isn’t your thing, running on sand is very challenging or you could play something like beach volleyball.

Running, Hikes and Bike Rides

Warmer weather gives you the perfect opportunity to get outside and explore your surroundings. Fields and meadows, lakes and rivers, woods, marshes, mountains and much more- getting out there either on foot or on bike is a fantastic way to exercise. You get to take in the sights and get some fresh air while working out your body. Just be sure to dress to the weather. A t-shirt and shorts with bottoms and a jumper over the top would work well, that way you could remove or add layers during the day depending on what the weather does. Something like these made in the USA sweatshirts could be a good choice, they’d keep you warm but be light enough to pop into your rucksack if it gets too warm later on. Take plenty of water too- and your camera! Who knows what spectacular sights you might come across.

Team Sports

There are lots of outdoor courts in parks and rec centers that allow you to put a team together and have a friendly bit of competition. Football, netball, basketball, even doubles tennis or badminton would work well. If you don’t have any courts nearby but plenty of open space, it’s easy to set up a game of rounders or cricket if you can rope some loved ones into playing with you. A great way to socialize and compete with each other while getting plenty of exercise in.


Exercise doesn’t necessarily always have to be full out, high impact. There’s place on your fitness regime for calmer activities too, and yoga is great for both your mental and physical health. It teaches you mindfulness while helping to build core strength, balance and improve muscle strength and toning. Go outside and practice in your garden, or how about on the beach first thing in the morning? What better way to start your day.