The Florida Marlins have been waiting patiently for Mike Jacobs to turn into the power-hitter they thought he would become. When Jacobs was a rookie with the Mets, he was brought up at the end of the year and hit the cover off the ball. Jacobs has hit 6 home-runs so far this season and the everyone in the Marlins clubhouse is happy. ESPN could have ended the happiness with an article that ran today. Jayson Stark. a poor-man’s Peter Gammons, reported that a very knowledgeable scout said that Jacobs is this year’s Chris Shelton. For those who don’t remember Shelton, he hit 9 home-runs in the fist 13 games of the season for the Tigers a few seasons ago. Not only did Shelton’s power come to a screeching hault, but he found himself in the minors by the end of July.
I don’t think Stark thinks that Jacobs will end up in the minors this season, just Jacobs has an upper-cut swing that has a huge hole in it. He doesn’t think his power will last an entire season. My question is that if Richie Sexton and Adam Dunn can hit 40 home-runs in a season with an upper-cut swing, why can’t Jacobs do it? I’ve seen worse swings in my time. I don’t think Jacobs will hit 40 dingers, but I think he will have a decent year on a not-so-good team.
Mike Jacobs Is The New Chris Shelton
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