Idolizing – Chuck Klosterman

I’m starting a special post section called “Idolizing,” because there are a few people in this world that I would like to meet. The Idolizing people will be people who’s career came out of nowhere or someone that is so innovative that they blazed a path. The first person I have to talk about is Chuck Klosterman.

Klosterman has written for SPIN, Esquire, ESPN Page 2, and various other magazines/newspapers, plus he has written four books that are very good. His fifth book will be his first novel of the bunch, “Downtown Owl: A Novel.” I just happened to buy an advanced copy on eBay a few minutes ago. I am excited to read this book. He had a small short story at the end of “Chuck Klosterman IV: A Decade Of Curious People And Dangerous Ideas.” The short story was very warped, but also had many of the elements of his pop-culture knowledge twisted in. I’m sure “Downtown Owl” will do very well and won’t disappoint his fans.

The reason I idolize Klosterman is simple, he is the reason I read. As all my friends know, I love to write and I aspire to do something with my writing as a career, but finding something to read that I liked was hard to do. I happened to pick up a local paper and he had a review of Chuck Klosterman IV in it. It sounded like something that I could sink my teeth into. I ended up going to the library and picking up “Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs,” Klosterman’s second book. The book was amazing. I ended up finishing up the book in about a week. I picked up his third book, “Killing Yourself To Live,” which is a book about a road trip he had taken to sites where famous musicians died. The overall concept of the book sounds gloomy, but the underlying storyline was about him and his girlfriend. I then picked up Chuck Klosterman IV, which is a collection of his best work and then I got his first book, “Fargo Rock City.” This combination of sports and music knowledge is something that I can relate to.

If you find yourself in a book store and looking for something to buy, go to the Social Sciences section and pick up a Chuck Klosterman book. He is my idol and should be your idol too.
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