Tag Archives: Tommaso Ciampa

WWE’s Cruiserweight Classic – Where Are They Now?

It’s been three years since the WWE aired its Cruiserweight Classic tournament on the WWE Network. It was meant to give fans some nostalgia of the great Cruiserweight matches on WCW. All-time greats like Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, Ultimo Dragon and others helped WCW feel different than WWF, which then almost exclusively featured large, hulking wrestlers.

The Cruiserweight Classic was critically-loved as the action was high-flying and some stuff was never seen on a WWE-branded product before this tournament. The actual streaming numbers aren’t known, but it helped launch the new cruiserweight division. 

Many of the wrestlers in this tournament have went on to have careers in WWE and a few have gained stardom elsewhere.

Where are the Cruiserweight Classic wrestlers now? 

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Review: NXT Takeover: New Orleans

I’ve been reviewing the last few NXT Takeover shows because they have been better than the ‘real’ WWE pay-per-view shows that followed it…and NXT Takeover: New Orleans will most likely be better than Wrestlemania 34.

There hasn’t been a bad NXT Takeover. It’s an impressive streak as they have been putting on four or five of them a year for the last four years. This Takeover may have been the best one yet.

We knew going in that this could possibly be one of the best Takeovers in history as the card was stacked. There were strong storylines and we all knew the six-way ladder match for the new North American Championship was going to be exciting as well.

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