Tag Archives: Technology

5 Benefits of Listening to Podcasts

By now, you know what podcasts are. You are one of the 144 million Americans who have listened to a podcast at least once. But we know that one does not only listen to one podcast and forget about them. For the majority of people, it starts a habit that transforms into an addiction. Suddenly, you find yourself spending every waking moment (especially when you should be working) searching for a new pod to satiate your hunger. 

But there is more to podcasts than merely damaging your relationships and your career. There is a wide range of benefits that will make you realize that every minute that ticks by listening to the soothing and dulcet tones of your host are entirely worth it. So, here are 5 benefits of listening to podcasts 

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Bachelor Life: RepairSmith’s Mobile Mechanic to the Rescue!

Car repairs never come at an opportune time in anyone’s life. Repairs always tends to come in-between paychecks or when you’re extremely busy. I always try to do the repairs I know how to do, but sometimes it’s either way out of one’s realm of knowledge or you just don’t have the time to drop a car off at an autobody shop and find a ride to-and-from work.

RepairSmith has a ‘No Contact Car Repair’ service that allows them to come to wherever you are and take care of your car repair needs. This saves you an expensive towing bill and the most convenient way to take care of your car. You can schedule a time and an ASE-certified technician can fix whatever issue you need resolved. The ‘No Contact Car Repair’ service is really handy during these quarantine-heavy times. They can be in contact with you via phone or text, so you don’t even need to be with the technician while they service your car.

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Playing Video Games Actually Rewires Your Brain

There are all kinds of things that rewire your brain. Education. Therapy. The stick in Men in Black that makes you forget you ever saw aliens. 

But now you can add gaming to that illustrious list. 

Brain Plasticity

Our brains have a remarkable capacity to reorganize themselves in response to new stimuli. If you practice the guitar for six months straight, you’ll develop new pathways that help you play it better. Similarly, if you keep hammering away at French, you’ll eventually learn the language. 

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How to Vet an Online Casinos for Legitimacy

Decades ago, gambling meant taking a trip to the nearest casino and having to sit in a dark, crowded room. With all the advancements in technology, that type of gambling is a thing of the past. Not only can you gamble from the comfort of your home while sitting in front of your computer, but you can also find mobile casino apps. However, finding a legitimate online casino can be difficult with the potential legal issues surrounding them. If you’re looking for help vetting an online casino to make sure you can legally play there, here are some tips.

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Awesome Online Resources For Music Fans You Can’t Miss

Do you love music? If so, then you might be wondering the best way to spend your time online. Well, there are a few resources that you might not have used yet but you definitely don’t want to miss out on. Here are some of the selections that we think could be the perfect choice for you. Let’s take a look at some of these awesome and incredible possibilities. 


Have you heard of Shazam? Shazam is actually an app that you can download to your phone right now, but what does it actually do. Well, have had you ever been watching a TV show or film, heard a song and been unable to place it? Perhaps it was on an ad that was only on the screen for a few minutes. Well, Shazam has you covered. Once you access the app, it will immediately tell you what the song is in a matter of seconds. You’ll be able to find it on Spotify or even download the song for yourself. It’s a great little tool and one that is definitely going to serve you well. The best part is that it’s completely free. 

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Should You Be Afraid Of Your Smartphone?

Smartphones have been around for well over a decade now, and they are one of the most used devices on the planet. With more people owning smartphones, than those who don’t, it is clear that they are a technology that is here to stay. 

Smartphones offer us the potential to stay connected to our friends and families through social media and a variety of other communication channels, they entertain us with videos, music, and games, and they offer a world of information at our fingertips. They have revolutionized the way that many businesses interact with their customers, and they have changed the world in ways that were just a thing of sci-fi a few decades ago. 

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3 Annoyances Only A Gamer Will Understand

There are lots of reasons to love video games, and if you’re a gamer, you probably don’t need us to tell you why. Still, here are a few reasons why video games give us so much joy. 

  • You can escape your everyday stresses by escaping into a virtual world.
  • You can enjoy the social opportunities that online gaming can give you.
  • You can have masses amounts of fun with the games you play.
  • And you can experience great satisfaction when you finally complete a difficult game.

However, despite the many highs that video games can give us, there are a few guaranteed annoyances that only we, as video gamers, will fully understand. They can take us out of the game, give us reason to grate our teeth, and quite possibly make us throw our gamepads across the room too! Here are just a few of them.

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How To Make Money From Your Musical Passion

Do you live and breath music?

Do you feel it running through your veins?

Do you play music regularly, listen to it constantly, and wax lyrical to others about the love you have for your favorite sounds?

If you have answered yes to any of the above, then great, you are clearly passionate about music. So, why not take your musical passion to the next level? Why not make money from the very thing that gets your fingers strumming and your feet tapping? In this article, we are going to list a few money-making ideas that might take you interest. And don’t worry if you’re not a musician, as we have suggestions that will suit all kinds of music lovers.

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A New Generation Of Toys Shaping What Play Means

Yes, there are some toys that never go out of fashion. Children will always want to get creative with LEGO and families will always argue over a Monopoly board. However, the toy landscape is indeed changing, and the wants of the upcoming generation are shaping it in some surprising ways. Here are some of the toy trends that could be seeing the more traditional type becoming less and less popular.

An era of digital entertainment 

Nintendo has been a household name since the 80s, so some might consider games consoles a toy that never really goes out of fashion. However, no-one could have imagined back then how much video games would grow, nor the new ways kids would be interacting with them. Kids aren’t just playing video games now, they’re watching them online through streams, they’re competing in them professionally, and they’re affecting pop culture in ways that would probably have seemed impossible even ten years ago. Floss dancing, anyone?

Gadgets that get you out

A couple of decades ago, the kind of gadget you could market as a toy might include a Furby or a spy watch. Nowadays, it’s real, versatile tech that both kids and adults love. And more than that, gadgets are actually getting people outside and interacting with their world and environment in brand new ways. The clearest example of this is the drone, as shown at dronesuavreport.com, where you can see how operators used drones to completely change an experience as traditional as fishing on the river. Talk about the old meeting the new.

The surprise of it all

These toys are a combination of two trends, rather than one individual one. The idea of a toy hatching from an egg is being combined with the fact that kids are really into not really knowing what they’re getting. Compared to the little surprise eggs of the past, products like Hatchimals from spinmaster.com are much more impressive. And they’re far from the only brand to make use of this combination, with Orbeez being another big one. Part of this craze might be thanks to the growing user base on kids on Youtube and the increasing popularity of “unveiling videos” for that audience.

Goo, putty, and other gross things

Kids have always loved this kind of thing. Just look at how incredibly common “slime” was in Nickelodeon shows back in the mid-to-late 90s and you can see that. However,, slime, goo, putty or whatever else you want to call it has absolutely exploded as of late, with kits to make your own, slimes that glitter, slimes that change colors and much more. Again, part of this popularity might be related to the rise of slime videos on kids’ Youtube, but there is actually a scientific reason kids love slime, too.

Of course, kids (and big kids) can find the opportunity to play in just about anything. Really, it’s more about how attitudes and perceptions change what they want to play with. Crazes will come and go, but the love of toys will always remain.

How to Bring More Music Into Your Life

If you are passionate about music, then you probably can’t get enough of it. Are you constantly tapping out a beat with your fingers or feet? Do you continually sing without even being aware you are doing it? When you can’t sing, do you hum a tune instead? Wondering how to fit more music into your life?

If you can’t bear to be without music in your life, these ideas will help to keep you immersed in your listening pleasure.

Always Bring Your Headphones

Don’t miss out on opportunities to fit more music into your everyday life. Make the most of every chance that you have to do some listening by bringing your headphones with you wherever you go. Providing it’s safe to listen, you will find loads of opportunities to listen to your favorite tracks throughout the day. While you are running, walking, cleaning, taking out the trash, doing the laundry – take the chance to listen while you can.

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Mobile Phones – Changing The Face Of Gaming

The mobile phone. What once was a giant brick, with the capability to make bad phone calls, and cost a fortune, is now a handheld computer. They are, in fact, faster than the atari from back in the day. So it is little wonder that the mobile gaming market has been racing along the rainbow road of the gaming market – and leaving consoles in the dust. 

The global gaming market, as a whole, is worth more than $120 billion. Mind-boggling – but what is even more of an achievement is the mobile gaming market accounts for $55 billion. 

Big numbers.

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Best Places To Upload Your Music and Be Discovered

With sites like Spotify getting millions and millions of users each month, it shows just how popular online music is, and how it pretty much is here to stay. If you are a singer or have a small band, then you can use platforms online to get heard in an instant. Whether this is with the aim of getting signed, or just for a hobby as something that you enjoy, then there are many ways to get heard and seen. Have you taken advantage of the different platforms that are on offer at the moment to you? Do you know which ones are worth your time? Here is a quick guide to music platforms online, and what they could do for you.

Start a Blog or Website

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