Tag Archives: sporting goods

Shoes And Other Essentials To Wear When Golfing

When you are a beginner in a sport like golf, everything can be challenging. You still don’t know what the rules are, how to play, the etiquette to follow, the dress code, and a lot more. You might not hit the ball, or you need more practice on your posture to swing the club properly. You can read more about how to play golf in this link here.

Another daunting task that you need to do is to choose the best brands and excellent pieces of equipment that will make learning faster. There are so many respected brands when it comes to bags, clubs, balls, dresses, and shoes that it can be hard to know which one is best for you. If you want to know the must-haves, here’s a guide to help you out.

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How to Spend More Time In the Outdoors

There are plenty of great New Year’s resolutions that you could make, but perhaps the one that will have the biggest impact on your life would be spending more time in the outdoors. This is an underrated resolution, yet one that’ll make a big difference! There are plenty of advantages to being in nature, including feeling physically fitter and feeling better, too — did you know that just fifteen minutes spent in nature can relieve stress and depression, and things get even better the more time you spend there? Below, we take a look at a few ways you can spend more time in the outdoors this year.

What’s Local?

If you’re one of the many people that live in cities, then you might be wondering where exactly you’re supposed to get your fill of the outdoors. But here’s the thing: though it’ll require a little bit more attention than if you lived in a more rural area, it’s important to remember that you’ve probably got a lot of nature all around you. Do a quick Google search, and see what’s nearby. You’ll likely have a beautiful state park within easy driving distance!

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Alternative Fitness Ideas for 2020

Have you fallen into a rut with your regular exercise routine? Do you feel like you’ve hit a wall and there’s nowhere to go right now with your sport? Maybe it’s just the start of a new year and you fancy trying your hand at something new. Especially if you’re recovering from an injury and can’t do your regular sport or exercise, it’s worth looking into what else might be out there. Whatever your reason, January is a great time to pick up a new exercise or sport. You might already have something in mind but, if not, then read on for some alternative exercise ideas that might not have occurred to you before.

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Getting Back into Sports Following Injury

Injuries can occur at any time, and if you enjoy playing sports you’ll be all too familiar with this. The simple fact is that you could wind up with an injury from playing sports that might see you sidelined for a while. It even happens to the professionals, and they have all the conditioning and preparation us mere mortals are lacking, so should we really be surprised when it happens to us?! 

The simple fact of the matter is that injuries are part of the process for a lot of people who play sport, and you might even have fallen foul of an injury yourself. If you’ve been on a long lay-off it is important to make sure you get back to your favorite sport in the right way. So, you should look at using these tips to help you get back into sports following an injury.

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Tips on How to Get Started in Archery

Archery, like any other sport, requires a lot of time and dedication to get it right. There is so much skill involved, and a lot to learn. You will have to master how to aim and shoot in a calm and measured way. There are also many specific sport-related terms, jargonise, and measurements to go with it. And that doesn’t even begin to cover the equipment aspect. What with the different types of bows and other specific tools and devices that you’ll need to learn about to perfect the art of archery. But there is no time like the present.

So here are some tips to get you started:

Join a local club

Archery is becoming more and more popular, and that means there will be a club nearby that you can attend. Alternatively, there may be some scope to find an instructor who can help you on an individual basis. This way, you can learn the basics, and borrow equipment while you get your feet. 

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Black Friday is the Best Time To Find Deals on Activewear

There are a few different categories that I tend to hit hard on Black Friday: Electronics, Toys and Activewear. I tend to find the best deals for those items on that day. I would even suggest that activewear is the sleeper category that you can sometimes score big.

Nearly every activewear retailer releases the latest Black Friday ads this time of the year. I’m a man of habit, so I tend to hit up the brands I wear every day. I’m an Adidas shoe hoarder, a Homage t-shirt fiend and there are a handful of other brands that I wear while working out that I’ll mention later in this post.

Let’s point out a few important tips to help you find the best activewear deals on Black Friday.

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How To Choose The Best Sports Gear

Choosing the best sports gear can be a pretty difficult task. After all, you look for a few qualities in your sports clothes, and finding them out, especially in high street stores, can be pretty stressful. And anyway, doesn’t it depend on a whole host of things, such as the sport that you’re playing, and how often you play? Needless to say, your gear also needs to be within your budget. If you’re looking for some great garments for the pitch, however, then look no further. We’ve put together a guide on how to pick out the finest gear for whatever sport it is that you’re playing!

Think about comfort

OK, OK… we know what you’re thinking. We sound like your Mom, right? However, finding comfortable sports gear is one of the most important things when your chosen sport is a huge part of your life, as you don’t want to be out there thinking about how uncomfortable you are, rather than the game that you’re playing. Make sure that you buy gear that you know is going to serve you well, rather than something cheaper that may cause you to feel uneasy throughout the game. The last thing that you want is to lose, just because you’re thinking about how uncomfortable your jersey is. Rather than ordering online, it’s a good idea to go to a store and try things on.

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