Tag Archives: Nate Diaz

Vaping and Athletes

If you are a competitive athlete, you probably know that smoking is a major inhibitor to your performance. In fact, if you are at top performance, you are well aware on having any major bad habits can really hurt. Vaping does not pose quite the harmful affects that smoking can, but there are still some risks. If you are an athlete, the bottom line is that you may want to avoid it all together. Here are some facts to consider.

The act of vaping itself is not the reason to avoid it, it is the nicotine. Nicotine has been proven to constrict the blood vessels with regular use. This means that any form of cardio will be harder. If you are in a high activity sport or long distant running, vaping will prove to have a long-term effect of slowing you down. As of now, there are no long-term studies that show any definitive proof for vaping on the lungs. The vapor itself may be potentially harmless.

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