Tag Archives: Finance

How To Make Your Music Financial Sustainable

Whether playing professionally or for pleasure, making music is one of the most amazing skills that anybody can learn. If you’re not careful, though, it can become an expensive hobby or a career choice with far greater expenses than you first imagined. With this in mind, learning to make your activities financially sustainable should be high on the agenda.

If anything, this carries even greater importance in the current climate due to increased living costs. The following tips should help you create a more financially stable situation, which will also allow you to enjoy music to the max.

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Warning Signs: When It’s Time To Modify Your Budget

The world is going through a supply chain crunch and items cost more right now. The inflation rate has increased and it could put a crunch on your personal budget. This could be the norm for awhile and it may have changed your spending or saving habits.

Here are some warning signs that it’s time to modify your budget.

Increased Credit Card Balance

We all know how easy it is to let ‘future self’ deal with paying for a nonessential purchase. You just pull out your credit card and figure that you’ll cut something else out to help pay for it. Well, the interest for that purchase hits and you continue to just pay the minimum amount to not ruin your budgeting plans. It’s time to start paying down that balance.

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10 Tips to Help You Choose and Find Your Dream Car

Having a beautiful and attractive car is one goal that many of us work towards. However, while some previously know what they want, others have trouble coming to a decision.

With so many different models and styles out there, you want to make the right choice. Vehicles are expensive, after all, and you don’t want to end up being disappointed.

Below we are going to take a look at ten tips to help you choose and find the car of your dreams.

Want to learn more? Then keep on reading.

Look at all of your different options carefully.

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How To Solve Your Debt Problems

Recent studies have found that 80% of Americans have debts to pay. In a similarly horrifying way, 78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. This combination of factors is pretty brutal and has left many citizens of this country suffering under financial stress, and a cycle that cannot be broken. Debt can cause both physical and mental health issues, as it takes its toll on every aspect of your life. If you are in debt, one comfort you can take from these statistics is that you are far from alone. There are solutions to be found for your financial problems.

So how can debt be solved? Paying your debt is, of course, easier said than done – otherwise everyone would have found their solutions already. Depending on the kind of debt you have incurred, your income and the urgency of your debt payments, here are a few solutions for solving your debt problems.

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Top Five Ways To Money Save

Saving the pennies in the New Year is so important. Sometimes we overspend at Christmas and it’s easy to get into debt or need to make repayments on our credit cards. Saving up money doesn’t have to be difficult but it can certainly be tricky! There are plenty of money saving challenges that can be adopted to any lifestyle but it’s also important to understand that if you are unable to do the one dollar a day challenge then that is OK. Save what you can, when you can and do not feel pressured by society or friends. Making money feels good, so work out the best way to save and make money on side hustles to feel happier and your bank account healthier!

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Wait, Can You Actually Turn That Business Dream Into Reality?

Can you actually turn that business dream into a reality, or is that just a pipe ambition? Might it be that the people you see succeed on Shark Tank or those that raise their startups from nothing to something are just lucky, in the right place in the right time? Or could this be afforded to you as well, provided you have the idea, the will and the technical skills to give yourself that potential path forward?

Look around and see the businesses enjoying humble success, and you’ll see most of them started in a similar manner. A person with a certain expertise decided to branch out on their own, and took the personal and financial risk in doing so. They worked hard to get where they are, it all started with that self-belief – that ‘I can do this’ attitude that helped them on their way.

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Some Spare Change? Have Fun With It!

Spare change is something we have less and less of. Mostly because we use more cards and online transactions these days, but also because things a little more pricey than they’ve ever been before. So when you do have spare change, it seems like a momentous occasion! 

Sure, you could save your money, and that would be a very noble pursuit! But when you’ve got just a bit of spare change in your pocket, or you’ve got some more disposable income in the budget than usual, why not have some fun with it? Because there’s a couple of great ways to spend this kind of money, so let’s get into a little detail on them below.

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Landlord Options

Why is it that some landlords have to wait months to find a suitable tenant to rent their property? If you are a landlord, or you are thinking of becoming one, read on.

It should be easy to rent out your property, shouldn’t it? You will not need to wait very long between one tenancy ending and the next one starting, will you? Why does so much property seem to have estate agent boards outside waiting to be let? Well, there are many possible reasons for this. It is true that some properties do not reach the standards for letting set by the local authority, and there are some rogue landlords who are trying to charge too much for poor properties.

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What to Look For In Lenders

If you plan on applying for any kind of loan, whether it is a personal or a business loan, you need to make sure to pick the best lender to get the loan from. This is to ensure that you do not pay your loan multiple times over, due to interest as well as ensure that the lender will provide the services you require.

This will be your guide for finding the lender you want.

1. Reviews

Just like every kind of service out there, you will find that there are reviews given by experts as well as past clients who have taken loans from the lender you are thinking of applying to take a loan from. You can easily research whether the lender was actually trustworthy or stipulated conditions that were hard to meet for a loan. There are many finance blogs that review various lenders and loans. There was a blogpost that reviewed Jora credit, amongst a few others and this was extremely informative as it  displays the lender’s disadvantages as well as advantages, so that any person looking to apply for a loan can have full disclosure when thinking of applying there. Likewise, you will find other blogs and reviews done by people who have already used different lenders

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