Tag Archives: exercise equipment

Are You Getting The Most Out Of Your Cardio?

Everybody knows that cardio is an important part of any workout. The usual solution for that to get on the treadmill and start running. Running is a great workout for keeping fit, but it’s not the only one there is. There are plenty of other types of cardio that will get your blood pumping, keep you fit, and help you build and sculpt muscle at the same time. Here are just a few creative workouts you might want to try instead of going straight for the treadmill.


You wouldn’t believe what an amazing workout your body gets when you’re on the rowing machine. While on the machine you’re working out just about your entire body. You’re sculpting muscle legs, back, and arms, all while getting your blood pumping and burning calories fast. Plus, it’s a low-impact exercise. That means that, unlike running, there’s no chance of you doing any damage to your joints. Just make sure you get the right advice on your form, and you’ll find this one of the best all over cardio workouts there is.

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