Category Archives: sports

Can You Turn a Love for Sports Into a Full Career?

A lot of people find that turning a passion into a job can be daunting. One of the biggest problems to this is realizing that your passion can turn sour if it becomes a job. Your hobbies are enjoyable because you can indulge in them when you’re relaxing and enjoying yourself. If they suddenly become something that your income depends on, then you might find yourself hating it after a couple of weeks. As such, people usually take extreme caution when they try to turn a passion into a job.

But when it comes to something general such as sports, it’s possible to turn your love for it into a job without ruining what you love about it. This is because sports is a huge industry full of unique job opportunities. You’ll likely be able to find a job that is detached enough from your true sporting passion yet lucrative enough to turn into a full business. You might even find that you can turn it into a freelance career, enabling you to start your own self-employed venture into the sporting industry.

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The Brains Behind Four Physically-Demanding Sports

For most sports lovers, attention is rarely paid to the history of how the sport originated. We hardly know who started these highly competitive sports and why they created it. For a game that most times draws huge crowds and generates immeasurable levels of excitement, we never stop to think how the original game was played and how rules have changed over the years. The following list features four physically-demanding sports, their origins and the brains behind its creation


1. Basketball


The art of throwing and bouncing an orange-brown ball with the aim of landing it in a net basket hanging high above gives many people an absolute thrill. It is a popular team sport played around the world, and it requires very high levels of stamina and agility. Basketball was invented in a Springfield College gymnasium in 1891. The brain behind it was a 31-year old Springfield graduate student and instructor, James Naismith. It has been recorded in history that it involved a group of restless college students who were required to partake in indoor activities. The purpose was to burn off excessive energy that had been building up in the students because the football season had come to an end. This is exactly how basketball was created. With this knowledge, whenever you’re watching your next basketball game, spare a thought for James, his students, and the joy they’ve brought into your life through basketball.

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Fun and Entertaining Ways To Train Your Child’s Hand-Eye Coordination

As your child develops, they’ll start to learn how to use their vision to process information that they react to with their hands. This sounds complicated but it’s actually something that we all learn at one point in our lives. For example, when you pick up a fork and see food, we understand how to move the fork and pierce the food so we can eat it. Children don’t understand this from an early age and it takes a bit of practice for them to build up that muscle memory that helps them use a fork.

This hand-eye coordination can take a while to train up, but there is a couple of fun and entertaining ways to help your child improve their hand-eye coordination. Since it takes a lot of practice to master, we suggest trying to get your child to practice this as soon as they can.

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Why Fishing Could Be So Beneficial For You

Fishing is one of America’s most talked about sports, and it’s something so many people commit to because of just what it can do for you. After all, there are some big benefits to getting your fishing rod out and casting it over a river or lake. And if you’re interested in learning how to fish yourself, and getting out in the great outdoors on a more regular basis, let this be the last thing you read before you fully dive in and discover what the hype is all about.

You’re Outside

If you’re going to go out fishing, you’re going to be out underneath blue or grey skies. Because of this, you’ll be able to soak up the sun and the weather around you, which can really improve your levels of Vitamin D. Even if you can’t see the sun, you can get a real boost from it! 

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Some Weird Facts About Martial Arts That You Didn’t Know About

Martial Arts are a form of traditional combat style for a specific geographic group. Some practices of martial arts are thousands of years old, while some were formed as recent as the 20th century. 

There are certain groups of people who see martial arts as a way of life. A code or system to live by. Each form of martial art requires a lot of practice, hard work, and devotion. Martial art experts devote their life to acquire these ancient techniques. Martial arts, not only represent a physical stature or maneuvering skills but also require a certain state of mind.

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Here’s How To Ensure You Don’t Look Out Of Place At A Sport Event

Are you thinking about attending your first live sports event? Here are some key things to consider. 

Show Your Pride

There’s nothing wrong with showing your pride for your favorite team when you attend a sporting event. For instance, if you’re going to a baseball game, then you might want to consider buying a baseball tee. It’s entirely your choice but there are lots of different styles of baseball tees so you’re sure to find one that suits you. You might also want to just pick a tee that shows that you love the game in general. A lot of people do go to hockey games wearing hockey jerseys. 

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Maintaining Motivation When Training At Home

Millions of people all over the world have been advised to stay at home as much as possible. If you’re used to spending hours in the gym every week, it may have been difficult to adapt to home workouts, but there are ways of maintaining motivation. Here are some tips to help you get more out every session while gyms are shut.

Make use of the Internet

The Internet is a fantastic resource for those looking to get in shape or stay fit during the lockdown. Many gyms and fitness companies have switched to home workouts and interactive, virtual services during the Coronavirus crisis, and you can access all kinds of activities, training sessions and exercise classes without leaving your living room. If you’re bored of doing the same old workouts, make use of the web and vary your sessions. Try new activities, follow different trainers and introduce an element of friendly competition by joining online communities or classes. It’s easy to assume that you can’t do much when you have to work out in your garage or your garden, but there are myriad possibilities. From Pilates and dance classes to interactive spinning, outdoor circuits and online HIIT workouts, you can enjoy a host of different activities to make daily exercise enjoyable. 

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4 Sports To Try While Gyms Are Closed

Gyms have been closed for months now. It’s been weeks upon weeks of trying home workouts, then failing, but telling yourself you did them anyway. Plus couch. Plus snacks. Plus ordering takeout when you literally cannot think of anything worse than making dinner again. All around the world, people are feeling sluggish, unfit, inflexible and downright bored.

Now that some freedoms are coming back to us slowly, but gyms remain closed, there’s got to be a way to get your fix of exercise! Here are four sports to try while gyms are closed.

1. Kayaking

If you live near to a body of water,  this is a must-try. Not only is kayaking fun and social, but it’s also a seriously good workout. Using the paddle works your core, abs, arms, shoulders, chest and back. On top of this, you can explore new places, get outdoors, and stay at a safe distance from your friends.

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How To Boost Your Workout With CBD Oil

When we think about improving our work outs and achieving better results in the gym, we tend to think of how much more exercise we can fit in throughout the week, what supplements we can use to strengthen our muscles and improve our recovery times, or how to change up our routines to get the most out of our sessions. 

What we don’t tend to consider is using CBD oil to enhance our workouts, improve our recovery times, and build up our mental strength. Even people with chronic conditions are able to exercise again by using CBD oil to relieve their pain: it’s not surprising the popularity of it has grown in recent years. 

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4 New Sports to Get Into Over Summer

Summer is all about getting the chance to get outside, hang out with friends, and enjoy the long days that never end. It’s also the time where you can’t use the excuse of bad weather or early nights when it comes to trying something new, and what’s better to try than a new sport? Even if you consider yourself a sports fan, it’s likely you’ve only scratched the surface, and there are still plenty of activities out there for you to explore, both by yourself and as a team. 


Okay, so cycling may not sound like something new. After all, it’s likely that the majority of people know what a bike is and how to ride one. However, even if you spent your youth riding down trails and pulling wheelies along the sidewalk, you may have fallen out of the habit of cycling. 

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Shoes And Other Essentials To Wear When Golfing

When you are a beginner in a sport like golf, everything can be challenging. You still don’t know what the rules are, how to play, the etiquette to follow, the dress code, and a lot more. You might not hit the ball, or you need more practice on your posture to swing the club properly. You can read more about how to play golf in this link here.

Another daunting task that you need to do is to choose the best brands and excellent pieces of equipment that will make learning faster. There are so many respected brands when it comes to bags, clubs, balls, dresses, and shoes that it can be hard to know which one is best for you. If you want to know the must-haves, here’s a guide to help you out.

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4 Tips For Creating a Website For Your Sports Team

If you are passionate about sports, you might be thinking about starting your own sports-related website. Whether it is a site to keep people updated with a particular sports team, or somewhere that you can write about your favorite games, it can be challenging to know where to start. However, it doesn’t have to be difficult. 

Below are some tips to help you start your own sports website and attract the right traffic and visitors:

Team Branding

If you are starting a website for your local sports team, you must include their logo and team colors on the website. You want the site to be recognizable as a representative of that team as soon as someone visits it. If the colors are wrong, or you don’t use the right logo, visitors will have a hard time figuring out which team the website is for. 

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