Category Archives: Mobile Gaming

Mobile Phones – Changing The Face Of Gaming

The mobile phone. What once was a giant brick, with the capability to make bad phone calls, and cost a fortune, is now a handheld computer. They are, in fact, faster than the atari from back in the day. So it is little wonder that the mobile gaming market has been racing along the rainbow road of the gaming market – and leaving consoles in the dust. 

The global gaming market, as a whole, is worth more than $120 billion. Mind-boggling – but what is even more of an achievement is the mobile gaming market accounts for $55 billion. 

Big numbers.

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5 Fun, Time-Wasting Casual Mobile Games

I’m a big fan of time-wasting casual games to play on my phone and tablet. I’m probably ‘too much’ of a fan as I’m usually playing five or six games at a time throughout the day. I’m usually only playing them for a few minutes at a time, but I’m often nose-first in my phone while watching television.

Since I play so many of these games, I feel like I am a good judge of quality of these time wasters. Many games have came and went off my Samsung devices, so these are five games that I’ve been playing for awhile and don’t see future uninstall in the near future.

These games can be found on Google Play (and possibly the Apple App Store). I’m not an iPhone or iPad guy, so I can’t comment if the releases are different on that platform. I enjoy these games on my Android devices and think the developers really knocked it out of the park with these mobile games.

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Benefits Of Playing Solitaire And Other Boredom Apps

When was the last time you had an app that was truly fun? We’ve played all the apps in the app store already, from Angry Birds to Tower Defense games, and nothing seems to really keep our interest. That’s because you forgot about the one classic that can never
die – solitaire mobile.

We all remember playing on our PCs back in the day. Solitaire was the game to play! Everyone wanted to get to the animation at the end, finally crack the code, and we all learned a thing or two about how to play solitaire along the way. Now, nobody has the time to sit down at a PC (an alarming majority of the country doesn’t even own a “PC”

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