Yes, Athletes Still Sign Autographs Through the Mail

So, I’ve been busy starting a new hobby this year. I’ve been sending off sports cards to athletes through the mail to get signed. I found it to be rewarding and fun.

I’m horrible at anything video-wise, but I have been posting videos on my YouTube channel. I include my weekly returns from athletes from baseball, football, basketball, and even WWE and the Olympics. I’ll explain how I do this below the embedded video.

I still have my childhood college of spots cards, and they’ve been collecting dust in my closet for many years. I thought about just listing them on Facebook Marketplace and purging them, but I don’t want to do something I’ll regret. I brainstormed things to do with all the cards and thought about something I did in my childhood, through the mail autographs.

How To Get Started

I found a website and found out how easy it is to get my cards signed. I also enjoy the process of writing my ‘childhood heroes’ and telling them moments of my fandom that related to their playing days. 

You can get started doing TTM autographs for cheap. Many players still sign for free and you just need to send a self-addressed stamped envelope and the cost of another postage stamp. Also, if a player does charge, it’s usually just $5 to $10, which is way cheaper than if you want to an in-person signing. You can find all the pricing info on the Sports Card Forum site or (but there’s a $15 yearly fee).

I want to build up my YouTube channel, so if you enjoy this sort of stuff, please give it a follow. I will be posting my weekly TTM videos on the site every week during football season.

I will post a few of my favorite returns I’ve received the last couple weeks.

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sweetbob-author-picAbout the Author…

Bobby Roberts (otherwise known as Sweetbob) is the creator of ‘America’s White Boy’ and contributor at Project Shanks. His writing has been featured on ESPN’s ‘SportsNation’, Sports Illustrated’s Hot Clicks, Guyspeed, and various other sites. You can follow him on Twitter at @Sweetbob.

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