Running Improves Your Life

We already know that being healthy, and moving is good for us. But have you ever seen a runner with their headphones in, cruising down the street at speed and thought – I wish I were a runner. 

It seems that running is for a specific type of person, but really it’s for everyone, and it doesn’t take much to get started. What is more interesting is that most runners become incredibly passionate about their running time – it becomes sacred in their daily routine. 

If you haven’t taken a run lately, then don’t worry – you’re not alone. Here are some of the ways that running can improve your life. 

Clears the mind

If you work in a high-stress, fast-paced environment, then you probably find your mind can be quite fuzzy and full. Running has this amazing ability to help your brain switch off, and just focus on the movement and the breathing. 

It doesn’t matter how fast or slow you are going, what matters is the doing. 

It gets more interesting though, some research showed that running had a cognitive boost. Working memory was improved, as well as task switching. 


Some people who started to run as a hobby, soon found that it was something they were passionate about. When you are passionate about something, it makes sense to be able to explore it further. 

The first port of call is usually joining a group, and then after that, learning how you can be incredible at what you love. In the case of running, you can turn it into your career, and become a certified running coach. Helping others to find their passion and their pace. 

Lower stress

Stress ravages our minds and bodies and is known for having disastrous effects on us, but running is shown to reduce our stress levels. So if you aren’t keen on medication or supplements, then running could be your number one way to combat the impact of stress in your life. 

It’s not just stress that can be reduced and improved when you start running through. Anxiety and depression are shown to have huge reductions when someone starts running. The act of running itself, or even those who walked briskly, receive a mood-lifting set of hormones. 

The great thing about it is that you don’t need to run for hours; as little as 30 minutes can make a huge impact. 


Do you go to be exhausted, lay there for ages, eventually fall asleep – but then wake up exhausted too? It is an awful cycle to be in and has a serious and negative impact on the rest of your life. 

Studies have shown that running helps to improve sleep; a moderate pace for just 30 minutes 5 days a week helps the runners get a better quality of sleep. 

What makes running great is all you need to get started is a route, some music, and some support running trainers. Take it slow if you haven’t been running in a while, and work your way up to 30 minutes. 

Are you looking to improve your current fitness levels? Start here: Are You Getting The Most Out Of Your Cardio?