Easy Ways To Organize Your Life

One of the biggest challenges of adult life is balancing work and home life as well as managing our social calendar. Many of us have hectic lives with a lot of different elements to it, and when we lose track of these things it is very easy for us to fall into a rut and not find out way out. 

But today we want to help you if you feel like you have fallen into bad habits and disorganization, and show you some of the best ways to organize your life this season. There are many ways to improve your life and we have just a few of them here today to help you take back control. 

Declutter the loft 

The loft, or attic, is a room in many of our houses where random items end up and never see the light of day. One of the worst habits many of us have is collecting random and unneeded items and these usually end up in the spare room, the garage, or in the loft. Now is the time to get up there and see what you have in storage, and start to make some ruthless decisions about their future. There are a few key questions to ask yourself when you go into the loft to look at your items: 

Have I used it in the last year?
Do I have room for it?
Does it hold sentimental value?

If an item answers no to all of these questions you should get rid of it and make space for things you will use in your future. Once you have decluttered your loft you might even find that there is enough free space to consider a loft conversion. 

Clean up the pantry 

One of the biggest issues we have in our adult life is buying too much food or not storing it properly. It is so important when you buy good that you have previously checked your current stock, as well as checking dates on items often to ensure you cycle your foods. Cleaning up the pantry part of your kitchen is much easier than you think and the difference it will make to your home is incredible. By simply buying some glass jars and storing items in there instead of packets, your food will last longer and it will also be tidier. 

Organize the fridge 

When you come to organize your pantry, it is a great idea to extend this work to your fridge. Did you know you can buy fridge safe glass jars and containers to store your produce and meat? It is all too easy when you are on a health kick to stock your fridge with fresh fruit and vegetables, forget about them, and then end up throwing most of it away. Instead, consider this: 

When you go to the store and buy produce, wash it as soon as you get home and prep anything that needs it such as taking grapes off the vine or cutting up pineapple. Now, add these to glass storage containers and place them in the fridge. Not only will your fruit last for double the time, but it will also allow you to see what you’ve got and pick at fruit and vegetables throughout the week without feeling the need to prep it. 

Plan your weekly menu 

One of the most helpful things you can do to help organize your life this month is to start planning a weekly menu before you go shopping. We all know how easy it is to write a list and wing it when we visit the shops, but this usually causes us to spend a lot more money. Consider planning out what meals you want to make throughout the week including lunch options and leftovers, and this will help you to guide your shopping list as well as ensure that you are healthy and stick to a healthy meal plan. It will be much easier for you to stick to a good diet if you take the time to do this. 

Rearrange your files 

One of the things you might want to do if you work a lot on your computer is consider organizing your files. It is all too easy to download and save things anywhere on your computer such as on the desktop or even on “other” in Mac storage, but you should try and organize things into folders to save you time and effort finding things you need when you need them. By planning out your file storage properly it will make a huge difference to your computer. 

Write things down 

If you are generally a disorganized person, one of the best ways to start becoming more organized is to write things down. Writing reminders or to do lists is a good way to focus the mind and this will ensure that throughout the day you don’t forget any key things that would otherwise not get done. Writing a to do list in the mornings or even keeping a bullet journal is a great idea and it will organize your thoughts and help you to stay on track. 

Stop procrastinating 

Procrastination is the enemy of success. If you are the kind of person that always says you’ll do it tomorrow; now is the time to take charge and stop this behavior. Procrastinating will not only stop you from getting things done but it will also mean that tasks pile up to a point where you feel overwhelmed and this can cause severe stress and even anxiety. 

Make time for workouts 

Organizing your life also means bettering yourself – and working out is one of the best ways you can do this. If you find it hard to work out during the week now is the time to book out 1 hour during your week at least to spend on fitness. Whether you go for a swim, a walk, or do a HIIT session, this will keep you active and ensure that even on the busiest weeks you get some movement in.