The Guide To Using CBD For Dogs

CBD products are known to be non-psychoactive with amazing benefits. Not to mention that it’s already legal in most countries. Additionally, it doesn’t work only on us, humans, but on our furry friends as well. Speaking of furry friends, today we’ll guide you in keeping your dog(s) healthy and happy! First and foremost, let us start with the key ingredient when it comes to organic products for their basic needs. 

Why You Should Use Natural/Organic Products?

When it comes to our fur babies, it’s obvious that we’d want only the best. We can all agree that when we see a product that says “natural” or “organic” we assume it’s better for our health. To be honest, that’s true, just like CBD that we’ll be talking about today, check out this link Organic items often contain a lot of nutrients in them which is pretty worth it in the end. Moreover, they reduce health risks and promote several benefits that also aid in health conditions. 

What is CBD?

If you’ve heard about this then you’ve probably heard of the word cannabinoid as well. CBD, also known as Cannabidiol, is one of the hundreds of cannabinoids that you can find in the cannabis Sativa plant species. However, this compound isn’t extracted just from any cannabis species. Specifically, it is extracted from hemp since it contains more of this compound. Hemp is one of the plant species, however, it differs greatly from old cannabis. 

The Difference Between Cannabis And Hemp

To avoid any confusion, the main species of cannabis that’s always compared to hemp is marijuana. Now, this plant happens to be illegal in some places and most of us are already aware. The big question is, why is that? If CBD is a non-psychoactive compound, there is also an opposite to it. This one is referred to as THC or tetrahydrocannabinol and is psychoactive. 

Psychoactive compounds can cause a high and if the amount of THC is is not more than 0.3% it’s safe. Most of us don’t want to take risks with THC that’s why they prefer pure cannabidiol in certain products for their pets. Luckily, just like Holistapet right here, you can choose from CBD oil, tinctures, capsules, and even dog treats. These products can ensure the well-being of your trusty companion. To assure you that it works, let us explain how. 

How does cannabidiol work? 

The majority of us, human beings, are aware that we have an ECS or Endocannabinoid System. It is composed of receptors that cannabidiol interacts with. These receptors can be found in certain parts of our bodies, like the central nervous system. The responsibility of the ECS is to regulate and balance some processes of our body. The ECS is called a molecular system that happens to play a big role.

Dogs also have this system which makes CBD effective on them as well. The system has control over memory, immune response, appetite, metabolism, and many more. Products with cannabidiol makes a great addition to their daily meals since it helps with several things. Instead of keeping you waiting, let’s discover the benefits of this compound. 

The Benefits


This disorder can be troublesome when not managed properly. It causes excessive fear or worry and it should also be checked regularly. Anxiety levels should be kept at bay, and it won’t go away on its own (read more). On the bright side, cannabidiol can help with this by relieving your fur baby on what it is feeling. 

Loss of Appetite

Surely you remember the functions of the ECS, and because of CBD’s capability to interact with it, it can fix your dog’s appetite. Loss of appetite can result in weight loss and many health issues. It would break your heart to see your furry friend looking sickly and in bad shape. To avoid this from happening, you can use cannabidiol as a remedy.

Pain and Inflammation 

CBD happens to have anti-inflammatory properties that help with inflammation and pain. May it be joint pain or any kind that they would experience in their daily lives. It would also be painful for us to see them suffering from such pain. The good thing is, you’re prepared and you know what to do! Additionally, CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties can also help reduce cancer-cell growth.