Three Fitness Tips To Motivate You This Winter

The temperatures are starting to drop as we get into the colder months, and so are a lot of people’s fitness motivation. Where it once seemed easy to get out of bed and hit those fitness goals for the week, is now incredibly challenging, despite not wanting all that hard work from spring and summer to go to waste. The good news, though, is that with some simple strategies and thinking ahead, it is possible to regain and boost your motivation to workout throughout fall and winter, and perhaps even avoid the winter workout slump altogether.

Hire a professional 

Hiring and getting help from a personal trainer is a great idea when you lack motivation in the cooler months. You are effectively hiring your own personal cheerleader as well as someone to hold you accountable when you are having a slump and don’t want to workout. Great to help you reach your fitness goals at any time of year, they will make your workouts better and help you to make the most of your time by ensuring that you are doing the right exercises for your goals and that you are doing them correctly. If you aren’t into HIIT and gym workouts so much and are a fan of a concrete sport, then that doesn’t limit you from hiring a professional either. Whether that’s tennis or Golf Instructors to help you with your game, a professional will not only push you harder than you would yourself and help you to improve the sport you love, but should also leave you with a sense of accomplishment and positivity.

Upgrade your workout gear

While the temperatures may be dropping, the hard truth of it is, there is no such thing as bad weather (well excluding snow and thunderstorms). But if it’s the cold that you are battling, now is the perfect time to upgrade your workout gear with a robust, warm winter alternative for your outdoor runs and workouts. Some new trainers, tops, hats or sportswear jackets could just be what you need to gain the motivation to head outdoors and exercise regularly again. Not only that, but you will also be more comfortable and feel more confident, making you feel better about yourself and more positive overall. 

Schedule exercise in and have a plan

Unfortunately, staying motivated to exercise consistently takes a bit more than merely writing down a reminder in your diary every week and requires a bit of planning, even in the warmer months. You’ll know that your motivations will slump come the colder months, so it is essential to plan ahead to keep yourself accountable. Write down a detailed routine, with a full list of what type of workout and exercises you will complete on each of your fitness days, as well as any equipment that you might need. Creating a schedule and plan will also help you to have a better workout and not waste time as you will know exactly what you need to do that day, rather than making it up as you go along, which could potentially hinder your desired results. Once you have a plan, make a promise to yourself to stick to it until you hit some of your goals, and when you start accomplishing them you will feel a surge of motivation to keep going and pushing even more.