Don’t Let The Pandemic Stop You Loving Sports

It’s been a long year in 2020, and let’s face it, sports have suffered at the hands of COVID-19. Everywhere sports stadiums shut down, tournaments were canceled and we were all forced to sit at home watching NFL compilations on YouTube. It has truly been a stagnant year full of disappointment. Although there are still ways to incorporate more sports into your life, the pandemic has flattened many people’s dreams of going to games, hearing the roar of the crowd, drinking sodas and eating cheap meats. There’s really nothing like it.

Even though the world is beginning to reopen again, if you are a cautious person, or perhaps you or someone you live with is vulnerable, you might not be able to So how can you get into sports as a fan without putting yourself in a huge crowd of potentially COVID-ridden strangers? If you want to know how, you have come to the right place. Here’s how to stay a sports fan, even in a pandemic.

1. Learning the History of Your Sports Team

I know what you’re thinking – this ain’t school. History lessons are for classrooms, no? Well, actually, learning the history of your favorite sport can keep you entertained and help you appreciate what is going on in the present. Nowadays, sport is as much about background politics as it is a physical sport; if you learn all about the behind-the-scenes history of your favorite team, you are guaranteed to return to the present with a newfound appreciation for the journey they have gone on. 

2. Fantasy Sports

Fantasy sports might sound lame – if you’ve never played them. In actual fact, they are an awesome way to get involved in your sport and stay on the pulse of Winning DFS NFL Football Picks. It’s a great way to get to know the teams and players better, have fun with friends, and stay entertained if you are still quarantining. Fantasy sports have helped people keep sane when they have had to self-isolate for fourteen days, and can keep your interest in your favorite game without having to venture out into the virus-infected world. 

3. Learn From The Best

If you want to branch out your knowledge to outside the team you support, it’s a good idea to start watching compilations of the best players in the world. Even if they don’t play for your side, you can get inspired to play the sport yourself, be amazed by their talent and discover more action from the game you love. Plus, using online gaming and streaming sites, you can compare notes with fans, and learn from superfans of your favorite sport about the history, rules, politics, scandals and triumphs of your team. 


If you want to play it safe but still hope to engage in sports, using online platforms you can achieve both! Learn to play the game better, understand the history of the game and get into the nitty gritty of sports politics, so you can be an even better informed fan than before.