3 Simple Tips To Improve Your Long Distance Running Times

Running is probably the most accessible way of getting fit. You don’t need a gym membership, you don’t need any special equipment – all you require are a pair of working legs and the great outdoors!

Be honest, how many of you have taken up running this year? I bet you used to hate running long distances, but now you go out for multiple runs a week. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out the rise in running popularity was due to gyms closing for a few months! Anyway, it started off as a hobby to stay fit, but now it’s become more serious. You want to keep improving your times, and it’s frustrating when you hit a wall. Don’t give up, a PB is just around the corner if you implement these tips into your training regime:

Focus on breathing

Breathing is usually automatic, which means we do it without thinking. This is usually good, but it can hurt you when you run. If you don’t focus on your breathing, you end up taking lots of fast breaths in short bursts. Essentially, this leaves you gasping for air and you feel more inclined to slow down or stop to try and get more oxygen in your lungs. Instead, focus on taking more controlled breaths while you’re running. This prevents the sensation of feeling out of breath, meaning you can run faster for longer. The video below has some great breathing tips to consider:

Get the right equipment for your feet

The footwear you choose will play a big role in how fast your running times are. Ideally, you need to wear lightweight sneakers that are designed for running. They should have good support on the soles that basically let you bounce as you run. You want to feel like you don’t have anything on your feet, which instantly makes you run faster. 

Furthermore, your choice of socks comes into play as well. If your socks are super thin and rub against your sneakers, they can cause blisters and discomfort. Obviously, this hampers your running time as you need to slow down or limp. It’s best to wear athletic performance socks that have moisture-wicking properties and slight padding to avoid blisters. Buying these custom-made can be beneficial as you place your order for items that are designed to fit your feet. Plus, you can choose your own designs, so it’s a nice little personal touch. 

Pace yourself

Don’t start your runs at a ridiculous pace as you will tire yourself out by the end. Likewise, don’t stick to a snail’s pace the whole time! Both of these problems are common, though you’re most likely guilty of the first. In your bid to break your personal record, you go out a lot faster than you should. By the time you’re halfway through your run, your energy stores are depleted and you have to slow down. Instead, work on pacing yourself at the start, maybe even starting a bit slower than you’re capable of. This keeps some energy in the tank to gradually increases the pace. By the end, you should have enough energy for a final sprint over the last hundred meters or so. 

If you’re addicted to running and want to improve your times, add these three tips to your training regime. Will they make you an Olympic contender? Probably not, but they will shave off some valuable seconds and help you see improvements.