4 Sports To Try While Gyms Are Closed

Gyms have been closed for months now. It’s been weeks upon weeks of trying home workouts, then failing, but telling yourself you did them anyway. Plus couch. Plus snacks. Plus ordering takeout when you literally cannot think of anything worse than making dinner again. All around the world, people are feeling sluggish, unfit, inflexible and downright bored.

Now that some freedoms are coming back to us slowly, but gyms remain closed, there’s got to be a way to get your fix of exercise! Here are four sports to try while gyms are closed.

1. Kayaking

If you live near to a body of water,  this is a must-try. Not only is kayaking fun and social, but it’s also a seriously good workout. Using the paddle works your core, abs, arms, shoulders, chest and back. On top of this, you can explore new places, get outdoors, and stay at a safe distance from your friends.

If you already love kayaking but can’t find anywhere to hire one, you can purchase your own. The vibe sea ghost 110 is the latest must-have model – but any kayak from a reputable brand will do. Make sure you have life vests and only kayak in safely designated areas where others are present. 

2. Cycling

Now is as good a time as ever to take up cycling. It is a cost-effective, super fun and amazing for your health. Cycling in and around your local area will help you explore it in a different way, and is great for both toning your muscles and for your cardiovascular fitness. You can explore new landscapes with your friends while keeping at a safe distance.

3. Open-Water Swimming

This is a sport that should only be done in designated areas that are supervised by lifeguards.*

Open-water swimming is different from swimming in a pool. With the natural movement of the water, you are forced to work harder as you swim, and the lower temperatures make it an exhilarating experience. Many lakes offer remote swimming which is safely manned by lifeguards at all times. This means that swimming out in the open water can be done without risking your life. Unsupervised open water swimming shouldn’t be done, even if you are a strong swimmer. Swimming is fun and amazing for your health, but safety should come first.


4. Yoga

This is one you can do at home! Yoga is an ancient practice that is both cheap and simple to do. All you need is a soft floor or yoga mat, a little bit of space, and thirty minutes of your time. 

Using YouTube and other online tutorials, you can explore your body in a different way to performing a more aggressive exercise. Yoga works your muscles by stretching, sustaining, lengthening and strengthening them. It is also practiced by many people as a mental health exercise which promotes calm, healing and learning. If you are used to lifting weights and doing exhilarating exercise, try yoga for a change of scenery.