How To Boost Your Workout With CBD Oil

When we think about improving our work outs and achieving better results in the gym, we tend to think of how much more exercise we can fit in throughout the week, what supplements we can use to strengthen our muscles and improve our recovery times, or how to change up our routines to get the most out of our sessions. 

What we don’t tend to consider is using CBD oil to enhance our workouts, improve our recovery times, and build up our mental strength. Even people with chronic conditions are able to exercise again by using CBD oil to relieve their pain: it’s not surprising the popularity of it has grown in recent years. 

CBD oil is derived from cannabis which gives it a bit of a stigma for some people. However , the extract does not contain any of the cannabis chemicals found to create a high or any hallucinogenic effects – the THC. CBD oil only contains the beneficial chemicals in the plant that can help with anxiety, chronic pain, cancer and more. 

There is a growing awareness about CBD oil and it’s natural benefits, and not only for relieving stress and chronic ailments. There is a growing awareness of its contribution to fitness training, strength training, and workouts. The oil can act as a kind of workout supplement relieving stress and chronic pain in the gym and aiding recovery times. For more reviews on sports and fitness related products go to:

How Does It Work 

Many people struggle to workout effectively due to chronic muscle pain, difficulties recovering from intense training or general anxiety. CBD oil can be used in a number of different ways to improve workouts, reduce muscle recovery times, and bring a healthy balance to your fitness regime. High-quality CBD oil, that is oil containing only trace amounts of THC is proven to relieve headaches, anxiety, muscles and joint pains associated with fitness training. 

Small doses of CBD oil taken before or after workouts are known to relax muscles and reduce stiffness in the joints. CBD oil is also used by athletes to reduce muscle inflammation and aid recovery times, as well as to improve their concentration. 

It works in different ways. Firstly it reduces the number of signals sent to the brain that ask for an inflammatory response to hard workouts. This might seem counter intuitive. Isn’t inflammation the body’s natural response mechanism, you might ask. Some inflammation can be beneficial following a workout, but too much of it will slow down the body’s natural repair process meaning muscles will be slower to heal. Additionally, post-workout CBD oil stimulates sleep and promotes a deeper, calmer sleep allowing the body more opportunity to repair damaged muscles.

How Much Should I Take

The quantity of CBD oil that is right for you will depend on factors such as your body type, and your fitness goals. It’s a good idea to adhere to the recommended dosage on the bottle at first but feel free to experiment. Getting the right dosage for your purposes will require some trial and error. 

There is no one size fits all solution but as a rule of thumb, 1-6 milligrams of CBD oil for every 10 pounds of body weight or based on your pain threshold should be sufficient. Begin with a low dosage and build up to a level you’re comfortable with. CBD oil is not harmful, even in high dosages, it’s a good idea, however, to discuss using the oil with your doctor first – especially if you’re in other medications. 

How should I take it 

CBD oil comes in a variety of forms. Small bottles of oil, gummies, chocolate bars, among others. It is easy to administer and fast-acting. The CBD oil will enter the bloodstream right away and you should feel its effects within half an hour. The type of oil you take will determine how quickly you feel the effects: oil for instance is the fastest acting formula. 

Most fitness enthusiasts know that when the body is put under stress blood-sugar levels drop and hormones like cortisol kick-in and break down the muscles. This unwanted side effect of training can be slowed using CBD oil. Take a couple of drops on the tongue before a workout and expect to feel relaxed and focused in the gym – a couple of drops post-workout will help the body recover and restore its natural balance. 

Even top athletes are using CBD oil these days to enhance their workout and give them an edge. It is completely natural and is not considered doping. CBD oil is in the same category as protein powder for instance. Unlike protein powder, it has a diverse range of applications that can be useful for professional athletes and amateur fitness enthusiasts alike.