4 New Sports to Get Into Over Summer

Summer is all about getting the chance to get outside, hang out with friends, and enjoy the long days that never end. It’s also the time where you can’t use the excuse of bad weather or early nights when it comes to trying something new, and what’s better to try than a new sport? Even if you consider yourself a sports fan, it’s likely you’ve only scratched the surface, and there are still plenty of activities out there for you to explore, both by yourself and as a team. 


Okay, so cycling may not sound like something new. After all, it’s likely that the majority of people know what a bike is and how to ride one. However, even if you spent your youth riding down trails and pulling wheelies along the sidewalk, you may have fallen out of the habit of cycling. 

Nut cycling is a great way to get some exercise and go 0on an adventure. It doesn’t feel as high-impact as running, and while you may need to find a bicycle injury attorney should you be involved in an accident, they are also safe to ride as long as you stick to bike lanes and trails. 


Anyone from across the pond will know all about cricket, but it doesn’t have the same popularity in the US. Despite this, cricket can be a fun day out, whether watching it or playing it. 

The games are, admittedly, long, and it can take some time to get used to the rules and scoring, but it’s an excuse to get out in the sun and play a game with a bunch of people who know just as little about it as you do, but that’s all part of the enjoyment. 


If you are over American Football, then Rugby is an excellent alternative that doesn’t demand as many stops and starts you find in the NFL. 

Considered the Gentleman’s Game in the UK (compared to the thug’s game of soccer), rugby boasts a long tradition. Even though it’s fun to play all-year-round, even in the rain and mud, a summer game will give you the chance to test your strength and resilience against friends or strangers. 


Anyone who lives near the ocean or lakes knows how much fun wakeboarding can be, whether it’s operated by a boat dragging you along, or by a pulley system that’s built into the arena. Unlike the other sports you can try out, wakeboarding gives you the refreshing experience of being in (or mostly in) the water, allowing crucial respite from the beating heat. 

It’s simple to learn, but you’ll be surprised at how tiring it is, so don’t think it will be a walk in the park, or rather a swim in the lake.   

Try Something New

The freedom of summer, whether you’re at school or taking time off from work, is something that you should embrace. You may have had all these plans about sitting on the sofa and bingeing your favorite shows, but that will get boring faster than you expect. Instead, do something different, stay active, and make the most of your summer.