4 Tips For Creating a Website For Your Sports Team

If you are passionate about sports, you might be thinking about starting your own sports-related website. Whether it is a site to keep people updated with a particular sports team, or somewhere that you can write about your favorite games, it can be challenging to know where to start. However, it doesn’t have to be difficult. 

Below are some tips to help you start your own sports website and attract the right traffic and visitors:

Team Branding

If you are starting a website for your local sports team, you must include their logo and team colors on the website. You want the site to be recognizable as a representative of that team as soon as someone visits it. If the colors are wrong, or you don’t use the right logo, visitors will have a hard time figuring out which team the website is for. 

If you are creating a website for sports news, you will have a bit more freedom with colors, but you might want to ensure that you don’t look like you are favoring specific teams. 

Professional photos

Photos of your team need to be professional. If people are visiting the website, they will want to see quality pictures of the team they support playing the game. Generic stock photos or blurry, low-quality photographs are not going to cut it. See if you can find someone who will be able to take professional pictures at games so you can upload them and keep everyone updated.

Keep it simple

Try to keep the website simple, easy to navigate, and modern looking. You can do this by not putting too much content on each page, and making use of white space. 

Think about what you want to put on the front page, as too much content can be overwhelming. You may wish to have upcoming match dates on the right-hand side, and recent news stories to the left. If you want to go into more detail, you could include a link so people can click and find out more.

The use of white space will help to draw the visitors eye to things that you want them to see, or popular information that you know visitors will want to know.

Choose the right host

To ensure your website runs smoothly, you will have to pick the kind of server that you want to host it. Each of them have pros and cons and will depend on the amount of traffic you get to your website and the kinds of things that you want to be able to support on it. 

Shared hosting can be great if your site doesn’t get much traffic, and is usually the starting point when you first create a website.

If your website starts to get more traffic, or you want something a bit more reliable, you could opt for a Virtual Private Server (VPS). This is a popular option and is much more stable and secure than shared hosting. You can also get cheap VPS, that doesn’t cost much more than shared hosting.

There are also other options, such as WordPress hosting and cloud hosting.