5 Benefits of Listening to Podcasts

By now, you know what podcasts are. You are one of the 144 million Americans who have listened to a podcast at least once. But we know that one does not only listen to one podcast and forget about them. For the majority of people, it starts a habit that transforms into an addiction. Suddenly, you find yourself spending every waking moment (especially when you should be working) searching for a new pod to satiate your hunger. 

But there is more to podcasts than merely damaging your relationships and your career. There is a wide range of benefits that will make you realize that every minute that ticks by listening to the soothing and dulcet tones of your host are entirely worth it. So, here are 5 benefits of listening to podcasts 

They Are Free

Podcasts being free is something that a lot of people are shocked about when first hearing it. We are so used to subscription services to access entertainment that the idea that millions of minutes are available at no cost at the tap of a screen seems like a sick joke. But it is not the case. Some podcasts will offer Patreon subscriptions, which usually come with perks and help support the podcast so they can carry on making content. Still, most of the time, you can access an entire back catalog without spending a penny.

Listen to Them Anywhere

If your usual commute involves choosing between listening to the same playlist for the one-hundredth day in a row or resigning your ears to the revving of engines and pattering of rushing feet, a podcast is the perfect antidote to this. There is a range of podcast listening apps for you to download to your phone, and you can also download your favorite episodes to listen to even without data. This isn’t just useful for making the trip to work more enjoyable, but also plane and car journeys, and even for when you go on your evening run. 

You Can Listen to Whatever You Want

There is such a varied range of podcast genres that you are guaranteed to find whatever you want to listen to. Many people ease their way into podcasts by listening to popular podcast creators, such as Joe Rogan or This American Life, but it all depends on what you’re looking for. The beauty of podcasts is that you have no commitment to listen to anything all the way through, so if you don’t like it, switch it off and try again. Whether you want to listen to true crime, history, golf, or just two people shooting the breeze about whatever, you are sure to find something that can scratch that itch. 

They Are Ideal for Chores and Mores

Doing chores around the home is never the most enjoyable thing, but with podcasts, it becomes much more bearable. If you have been dreading clearing the garden, painting the walls, or even decluttering the house, a podcast will make the time fly by. They are great for mindless tasks and chores, as you will focus more on what you hear, with your body going into autopilot. From here, you will find that you can get through your day without needing to force yourself to find the motivation to get things done. You will be immersed in a story, interview, or conversation, and you might even learn something along the way. 

You Can Increase Your Knowledge 

Who doesn’t want to know more and show off to your friends, family, and strangers on the internet? Podcasts may not have the scholarly reputation that textbooks or journals have (not yet, anyway), but they can still provide a wealth of knowledge, and often about things you would not be able to find elsewhere. This is often more appealing than sitting down and reading a book, watching a documentary, and scrolling endlessly through Wikipedia, as the hosts will explain complicated matters in ways that even the laypersons can understand. If you have friends or coworkers who listen to the same podcasts, three also make for excellent conversation starters, and you can discuss these, gaining unique perspectives about different subjects, whether that is current events, literature criticism, or sports analysis. 

Thank Pod for That

Anyone who wants to give themselves some easy entertainment but doesn’t have the time to sit down to read a book or the means to check out the latest documentary needs to seriously consider how podcasts can do for them. It doesn’t matter what you want to listen to; you will find something that will catch and keep your attention.