Awesome Online Resources For Music Fans You Can’t Miss

Do you love music? If so, then you might be wondering the best way to spend your time online. Well, there are a few resources that you might not have used yet but you definitely don’t want to miss out on. Here are some of the selections that we think could be the perfect choice for you. Let’s take a look at some of these awesome and incredible possibilities. 


Have you heard of Shazam? Shazam is actually an app that you can download to your phone right now, but what does it actually do. Well, have had you ever been watching a TV show or film, heard a song and been unable to place it? Perhaps it was on an ad that was only on the screen for a few minutes. Well, Shazam has you covered. Once you access the app, it will immediately tell you what the song is in a matter of seconds. You’ll be able to find it on Spotify or even download the song for yourself. It’s a great little tool and one that is definitely going to serve you well. The best part is that it’s completely free. 

Trivia And Quizzes 

You might want to test your knowledge of your favorite bands and artists. The good news is that there are lots of quizzes and games online specifically for this. If you love music from the sixties then you can try a Beatles trivia quiz. Or, you can opt for one that is based on questions for more modern artists. The choice is entirely up to you because there really is something for everyone. There are even tools online where you can set up your own quiz and send it out to friends and family members. Ultimately, this could be a great option that you are going to love. 

Exclusive Opportunities 

Do you adore going to see bands and artists live? If so, you might be interested in any way that you can access the best tickets. This is definitely not always easy and it’s important to make sure that you are able to understand how to avoid getting stuck at the back of the queues. Well, if your research online you’ll find that there are clubs and websites that you can join. Some of these will provide you access to exclusive mailing lists and potentially help you gain what seems like a backstage pass to events like this. 


Or finally, you might just want to invest in some music memorabilia. If that’s the case, then eBay could definitely be the perfect place for you to spend your time. On eBay, you’ll be able to make sure that you can sell and buy countless memorabilia options for a wide variety of different prices. This could also be a great choice if you have a lot of items in your attic that currently seem to be gathering a lot of dust. 

We hope you love these ideas and start using the only world to fuel your love for the music industry.