Should You Be Afraid Of Your Smartphone?

Smartphones have been around for well over a decade now, and they are one of the most used devices on the planet. With more people owning smartphones, than those who don’t, it is clear that they are a technology that is here to stay. 

Smartphones offer us the potential to stay connected to our friends and families through social media and a variety of other communication channels, they entertain us with videos, music, and games, and they offer a world of information at our fingertips. They have revolutionized the way that many businesses interact with their customers, and they have changed the world in ways that were just a thing of sci-fi a few decades ago. 

There are some darker aspects to this type of technology, and it is important to understand the wider implications of smartphone use. Should you be afraid of your smartphone?

Smartphone Radiation

There are many devices that emit radiofrequency (RF) and electromagnetic fields (EMF) radiation, however, smartphones are a device that many people will carry with them for much of the day and be directly exposed to for longer. EMF radiation has been linked to many serious conditions such as cancer. It is therefore important that we understand these risks and manage our smartphone usage accordingly. You can do this by either limiting the use of your device or through the use of anti radiation cell phone cases

The Effects of Smartphones On Sleep

If you are someone who sleeps with their smartphone next to their bed or uses it right up until it is time for sleep, you may be creating problems that will affect your circadian rhythm. This will prevent you from being able to get a full and rested night’s sleep. 

This is because your smartphone screen emits blue light causing you to create the hormone, melatonin. This can make it very difficult for you to get a good night’s sleep. 

In addition to this, using your smartphone late into the night will keep your brain active, and this will also prevent you from winding down and falling into a night of full and restful sleep.

In order to make sure that you get the best sleep possible, think about putting your phone further away from your bed. You should also limit the use of your phone, avoiding using it for at least thirty minutes prior to going to bed. 

Social Media Addiction

Social media can bring us closer together. However, it can also be an addiction. Do you ever find yourself mindlessly scrolling through your Instagram feed or clicking onto the next Snap without really engaging with the content? Social media provides us with constant novelty and newness, which triggers spikes of the hormone dopamine. This build-up of the highs that your brain achieves through this dopamine can become increasingly harder to achieve meaning that you end up craving more, and vastly affecting your mood. Limiting your social media usage is the only healthy way of dealing with this concern.