Alternative Fitness Ideas for 2020

Have you fallen into a rut with your regular exercise routine? Do you feel like you’ve hit a wall and there’s nowhere to go right now with your sport? Maybe it’s just the start of a new year and you fancy trying your hand at something new. Especially if you’re recovering from an injury and can’t do your regular sport or exercise, it’s worth looking into what else might be out there. Whatever your reason, January is a great time to pick up a new exercise or sport. You might already have something in mind but, if not, then read on for some alternative exercise ideas that might not have occurred to you before.

Dog Walking

Okay, so maybe not the HIIT workout you were hoping for but walking (or running) with a dog is a great way to inject some fun into this exercise and take your mind off relentlessly pounding the sidewalk. Don’t have a dog? Borrow one. There are new websites springing up all the time for those who want to share their pooches with people who can’t have dogs of their own. Try Borrow My Doggy to get your started.


You might be thinking it’s just for kids, but trampolining is a serious sport. Whilst there’s a focus on leg muscles, you’ll develop overall body strength and stamina as you fly through the air. And it’s pretty fun too. As you start to progress, you’ll learn somersaults and flips – you might even get into trampoline walls. Now there’s something worth getting your camera out for.


Ever wanted to race through the streets and parks of your town like you’re in a movie? There are parkour groups in almost every city. You’ll need to be in shape to start with because of the endurance involved in long-distance, obstacle-based running. Your basic push-ups, pull-ups and sit-ups will be necessary for experiencing the true freedom that comes with practicing parkour. Experts say you’ll need a minimum of 25 push-ups, 5 pull-ups and 50 squats before you start parkour. What are you waiting for? Drop!


Even if you don’t want to be a performer, there are plenty of circus schools and trapeze tasters that are full of people who attend for the incredible full-body workout and death-defying stunts you can pull off when you master the trapeze. Your grip and core strength will improve, as well as upper-body muscles. Practicing trapeze is one of the best workouts available. It will challenge your coordination and flexibility as well as keeping your mind agile as you learn wraps and moves in the ropes or on the bar.


Maybe not something you’d initially think of as exercise, but spend any length of time standing or walking up and down in a lake or river and you’ll soon see how much stamina this sport requires. Casting your rod and reeling it in will improve your back and shoulder flexibility, as well as increasing your hand-eye coordination. Plus, there’s something rewarding about catching your own dinner. Definitely one worth giving a try.

Whatever you decide, look for groups where you can learn and try out your new sport, especially those which have taster classes. Use dicks coupons for your clothing and equipment to get your started but, most importantly, have fun!