Want To Start Your Own Soccer Team? Here’s What To Do

Have you always dreamt of playing football with a great team? Maybe you still have visions of yourself on a pitch with thousands of people watching you and screaming your name, or maybe you’ve accepted that this might not happen. Wherever you’re at right now, starting your own soccer team could be just what you need to help keep your dream alive, or at least give you something else to focus on. 

If you think that starting your own soccer team sounds like something you need to do, read on…

Finding The Right Players

A great team is all about finding the right players. You need to know exactly what you’re looking for – is it men, women, or children? Are you just playing casually? What standard of player are you looking for? The more detailed you can be about the type of people you’re looking for the better. This way, anybody that comes to your trials knows exactly what to expect. When you know what you’re looking for you need to advertise the trials, so create flyers, and perhaps even a Facebook page or event so you can get the word out to as many people in your area as possible. You could even put an ad out in your local paper. 

Set Up For Your Trials

Setting up for your trials with plenty of time to spare is key, so make sure you find a suitable place for everybody to meet up and try out. Depending on where you go, you may need to contact an artificial turf repair company to ensure the ground is suitable. Some people choose up to 20 players so that they can always have plenty of people available, with an aim to have 8 regular players. Depending on how seriously you’re taking this right from the get-go, you may also need to appoint a secretary, a treasurer, a manager, and a coach (if you’re not planning on taking up the role of one of them). You will then need to decide on the positions of everybody in the team. 

Think About The Identity Of Your Team

The identity of your team is imperative; you’re going to need a name, logo, and colors. You need to know what these are going to be, as it’s up to you to register them. You’ll also need a club bank account, as registering your team can cost money if you’re going to take it seriously. 

Get Equipment For Your Team

Buying equipment for your team means you can practice and play on top form. You will need to purchase kits for everybody too, but you may be able to do this with sponsorship money if you can get sponsorship from a local business or raise money some other way. 

Scheduling routine practices is essential so that your team can figure out how best to work together. You can then begin playing against other teams, and sign up for competitions through soccer league. Eventually, you might get the opportunity to play at a national level!