Hobbies to Try Out if You’re Stressed or Anxious

Every now and again you will get to a point where you have just had enough. Whether work is frustrating you or home life is hectic, you’re bound to get stressed or anxious from time to time. Luckily, there are a number of ways in which you can relieve your stresses and try out a new hobby. You could play the ukelele, head out onto the sports field or take up cooking; there are so many different activities that will relieve your stresses and bring a smile to your face. Consider some of the following hobbies and you will always have a go-to stress reliever at hand.


There is something calming about the wide, green, open space of a golf course. As long as you have the right equipment, you don’t really need anything else to take up this hobby. Check out your local country club and make sure you look into the best lightweight golf bags. Golf could be a new sport that you take up on the weekends or when you feel particularly stress.  Strike that ball from the tee and all of your worries will fly away with it!

Play an Instrument

Music is well known for its mood boosting qualities, so playing an instrument can kill two birds with one stone. You can exercise the left hand side of your brain, whilst lifting your spirits effortlessly. Even if you don’t have a musical bone in your body, you would be surprised at how quickly you can pick up a new instrument. Whether you’re banging away on the drums or tinkling the keys of a piano, this is a sure fire way to bring your smile back.


If you fancy yourself to a have a little bit of a creative flair, then why not take up painting? It’s a relatively cheap and easy hobby to start up and you can do it from the comfort of your own home. Start out with a basic blank canvas and invest in some watercolours to get you started. You will soon discover what type of thing you really enjoy painting, from scenery to animals. Never underestimate the power of the brush stroke!


If you’re looking to improve your mental wellbeing, then there is nothing more therapeutic than cooking. Getting lost in the kitchen for a couple of hours might sound like your idea of hell, but there is actually something quite relaxing about the methodical and creative process. Whether you follow a recipe or let your instincts take over, you are bound to end up with something delicious once you have finished.

So keep an open mind and try out some of the following mood boosting hobbies. You might actually grow to love one of them and start undertaking it on a regular basis. The beauty of these hobbies is that you can carry them out alone or with a friend, depending on how you feel. So don’t let your stresses get the better of you. Consult this list of calming and stress relieving activities and you will feel better in an instant.