5 Hacks To Creating The Perfect Party

Love and admiration is something we all yearn for. To win people over, some tell jokes, others listen attentively, while some -possibly the coolest- throw unforgettable parties.

Whether it’s a birthday party, a bar mitzvah, a Christmas dinner, or a pool party, the planning phase can be daunting, especially if perfectionism gets the best of you.

To cut through the chase, here are five tricks that are bound to give your party right about the unforgettable edge it needs:


  • Give Your Party Identity


Picking a theme for your party is a great way to help you dress it up in music, food, and decorations. A theme could be as simple as a color scheme or a more comprehensive story that is reflected in everything your guests encounter and experience from the moment they walk into the party.


  • Customizable Decorations and Ornaments


Nothing screams “party guru” like customized ornaments and decorations. From napkins with your initials embroidered on them to custom printed balloons that resonate your party theme, this can be your chance to wow your guests with your very own creative input.


  • A Well-Fed Guest is a Happy Guest


Like oxygen to the fire, food is an inevitable way to keep your party alive. Food can vary from snacks to nibble on while people socialize to a full-fledged feast of intricately orchestrated nutrients.

Even if food is not the main party attraction, you can still make sure plenty is available for everyone either by taking up on people’s offers to bring something with them, or by inviting them to a potluck.

Another smart trick to bear in mind is to wisely time your party. For a low(er) budget party, make sure it doesn’t overlap with a meal time so that people won’t expect one. If you’re hypersensitive about the party dragging too long into the night, you may even be as conniving as to withhold the snack refills.


  • Weave a List of Guests Who Will Naturally Fall in Place


RSVPing to a party invitation comes along with a lot of expectations: Good food, chill music, and maybe drinks. But none of this is worthwhile if there’s no one fun and interesting to share it with.

Parties of all sizes are a great way to introduce your friends from the farthest corners of your life to each other. But similar to getting creative with a new recipe, mixing ingredients can either turn into the best meal you’ve ever improvised or a disaster that “tastes like feet.”

Even if your friends are natural extroverts, you need to make sure everyone has someone to relate to. To make sure you don’t have to walk around the party playing matchmaker, ice-breaking games can be good catalysts to get things going.


  • Make Sure Your Party and Bank Account Remain Best Friends


There are a zillion ways to throw a party that will be the talk of the neighborhood for a few months to follow. But what good is a kickass party that you have to give an arm and a leg for?

Remember: Parties are fun; debt is not. So plan wisely and don’t turn a blind eye to the simple pleasures in life such as having the people you love and cherish around you.