Think You Hate Sports? Think Again!

Have you ever been in that position where someone asks you about sports? Even something simple like, what sports you watch? And you just can’t give them an answer. It’s not even that you don’t like sports! You’ve always liked the idea of getting into them, but you’ve just been able to do it.

There’s nothing more awkward than when someone asks you something about sports and then all you can manage is a vague shrug. It’s the same with everyone crowding around the office water cooler to rave about some sports game, and you’re left on the outside. Well worry not, here are three spectator sports that you can get into easily and finally join in the discussion.


It’s the world’s most popular sport for a reason. Just about anyone can get into soccer, or football it’s called in Europe. With something round and two sticks for a goal, anyone can start up a match. And it’s just as simple to understand as it is to play. There are very few bizarre rules or strange customs. Outside of the, actually rather simple, offside rule it couldn’t be more basic. Two teams, two goals, one ball. Sometimes the best part of watching soccer, whether you go to a match or crowd around the TV, is the way it brings people together. There are few things more exciting than spending the last few minutes of a game screaming alongside your friends and family. Especially when you find yourselves hugging with joy at the end of it all. Not only that but it’s one of the very best sports for you to get into yourself. Sure, you’re not necessarily going to end up wondering how to become a professional footballer, but at the very least you’ll discover a brand new hobby. Playing a team sport like this is also a great way to make new friends.

Horse racing

This one is simplicity itself. No teams, no goals. Just jockeys, horses, and a track. It might not seem as glamorous as some other sports, but there’s nothing like the visceral thrill of a horse race. From the moment the horses come tearing through the gate right up until the final moments, it’s a no holds barred white-knuckle experience. You can practically feel the beating of the hooves on the ground as the animals race down the track. Plus it’s one of the best sports to put a little money down on. Just in case you needed another reason to get excited about the result.


Okay, hear me out. I know what you’ve heard. That cricket is boring. That nothing ever happens. That matches last longer than some celebrity marriages. Well, let me tell you that that is simply untrue. Well, except that last one, some test matches really can go on. But cricket is one of the best sports to get together with your friends and family to enjoy watching. It’s filled with the same levels of tension and excitement as soccer and football. Plus there’s something amazing about getting to witness the physical prowess involved in the way the bowler throws the ball. It’s the little moments in cricket that make it worth watching. It’s easy to watch but if you wanted to dip into the more technical elements that are there for you as well. Whether you’re a man, woman, nine or ninety-nine, anyone can enjoy this classic sport.


Most people’s first impression of boxing is that it’s just about the most barbaric thing you could ever choose to spend your time watching. And sure, the idea of watching two people punch each other in the face over and over until one of them falls down doesn’t exactly sound like it’s going to be the most rewarding experience in the world but that’s doing a genuine disservice to the incredible sport that is boxing. There’s a reason that it’s called the sweet science after all. What might look like a pair of cavemen thumping each other at first can often reveal itself to show two people who are not only at the very peak of physical fitness but also who have honed their technique to such a razor sharp edge that even the slightest amount of movement can make all the difference. Just look at the famous footage of Muhammad Ali dodging 21 punches in 10 seconds to see just how much skill and finesse goes into this sport. Not only that but there are few sports where you’re able to really get into the personalities and rivalries of the competitors than in boxing.


One of the major issues that a lot of people have with soccer is that it’s a lot of overpaid wimps who throw themselves onto the grass at even the slightest bump or graze. And, yeah, that can be true. Soccer has a well documented and often ridiculed diving problem and that can really ruin the experience of watching it for a lot of people. However, if you’re one of those people, then rugby might be the sport for you. While it might at first seem like a slightly more confusing version of American football, rugby is actually an incredibly unique and interesting game. One of the major appeals of rugby is the fact that the players are often willing to play even after suffering major injuries. From cuts and bruises to broken noses, rugby players are most definitely made of sterner stuff than many other athletes. Not only that but the kind of harassment of referees and other teammates that goes on in a lot of sports tends to not come up during rugby matches. Players are respectful of the game, each other, and those who come to watch, which is something that happens all too rarely these days.


Most of the sports mentioned here have been team sports. This is because most of the time they’re the kinds of sports that are most interesting to watch. Seeing people work together as a team is always fascinating in a way that few other things really are. However, if you want something different then being able to see two players square off against one another in a fast-paced, intimate battle of skill and technique, tennis is the sport for you. Where some matches can be measured in full plays or even full matches, a lot of the joy of tennis comes in the moment to moment experience. Incredible back-and-forth volleys that move the advantage from one side of the net to the other can play out in a matter of seconds. There are no lulls in the way that other sports can sometimes have. It’s a non-stop, nail-biting thrill ride from beginning to end. The kind that will have you leaping out of your seat one moment and hiding your eyes the next.


Another sport that’s perfect for those who like things to move pretty quickly is basketball. Sure, things like rugby and soccer have their highlights but there is a lot of waiting around in those matches where the stakes aren’t really changing. After all, an entire soccer match can come and go without a single goal being scored. That’s not the case with basketball. It’s a far more fast-paced and intimate sport with players racking up huge amounts of points with dunks, buckets, and free-throws coming thick and fast from beginning to end. Not only that but there’s a playful pageantry to a sport like basketball that’s just missing from other, more straight-laced sports. Just think about the fame of a team like the Harlem Globetrotters to see how much fun and personality can be injected into this incredibly dynamic game.


And on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, we have golf. Golf is one of those sports that has a reputation for being boring that might even exceed that of cricket. However, the truth of golf is that it’s a sport of details, and you have to be willing to take the time to appreciate them. Sure, there’s more brute strength or flashy displays of skill in other sports, but the sheer level of pure technique on the golf course really is a thing to behold if you’re able to appreciate it. Not only that but it’s able to deliver much of the same dynamism of many other sports, while still letting you enjoy a much calmer and serene atmosphere. It really is shocking just how exciting it can be to watch a pro golfer examine the terrain, calculate the wind speed, line up their shot, and make that perfect swing. It’s simple, elegant, and there are few things quite as satisfying.

The truth is that no matter what kind of sport you end up getting into, you’ll find that they actually have one central thing in common. Sure, the rules, the pacing, and the levels of intensity might be different, but the one thing that all sports have in common is that, at their core, they’re about stories. Stories of teams coming together to do something amazing. Stories of underdogs triumphing against the odds Stories of loss, of victory, of celebration, and of commiseration. The truth is that there’s just something so fundamentally human about watching people get out there and push themselves to achieve something. Once you understand that, you’ll be joining your friends, family, and coworkers as they rave about last night’s game before you know it!