Can Johnny Manziel Make It Back to NFL?

Johnny Manziel was once the most exciting college football player. He went on to win the Heisman Trophy as a redshirt freshman. Off-field issues took some of the luster off him and he fell to the 22nd pick in the 2014 NFL Draft. He started eight games for the Cleveland Browns over two seasons. He was released after just two years with the Browns.

‘Johnny Football’ has been a free agent since early-2016. He hasn’t stayed out of the headlines as basically anything he does makes news. His alleged substance abuse issues were so bad that his dad thought the young man would die if he didn’t seek professional help. His issues hurt his stock as a free agent to the point that his agent fired himself. Manziel finally sought help and has been focused on getting his life back. He has even admitted that during his time at rehab he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and is now taking medication to help with the issue.

Manziel participated in ‘The Spring League’, a non-paying developmental league, and took advantage of a couple university pro days by throwing passes to wide receivers in front of numerous NFL scouts.

It was reported this week that Manziel officially signed with the Hamilton Tiger-Cats of the Canadian Football League. If he performs well in the CFL, is the door open for Manziel to return to the National Football League?

Here are a few things Manziel could do to help his free agent stock and help grease that door for an NFL comeback.

  • Manziel must promote his sobriety. He should become a spokesperson for an organization that helps alcoholics and drug addicts. He never actually said what was his vice, but his father hinted that perhaps both alcohol and drugs were his issue. On top of philanthropy work, Manziel should start wearing clothing that expresses his sobriety. He is constantly getting his picture taken when he steps out in the public. There are numerous brands out there that can help spread the message of sobriety.
  • Become the face of mental illness. I know it’s a lot for a guy in his twenties to push sobriety AND take on a huge issue like mental illness. There just isn’t a star athlete out there that has admitted being bipolar (while still playing). There have been some that went public after their playing days, but Manziel could be a role model. Bipolar disorder has a stigma attached to it and Manziel could help get rid of it. He could help people see that a bipolar diagnosis isn’t a life sentence. There is medication out there to help with symptoms which makes it easier to live a ‘normal’ life.
  • Manziel must show that he is still an NFL-level quarterback. I listed this third because in the grand scheme of things, the first two are more important. The NFL is a sport, so if Manziel produces in the CFL, teams are more likely to take a chance on him. Many teams may have soured on him and wouldn’t ‘want the headache’ that comes with signing Manziel. If he becomes a Doug Flutie-like player in the CFL, the circus that surrounds Manziel becomes easier to swallow. There have been plenty CFL quarterbacks to have huge careers and never play a down in the NFL, so Manziel must do some special things.

If Manziel becomes a model citizen, puts in some work on the field and uses his celebrity to champion a cause, I think the NFL won’t be able to ignore him. It may take two or three years, but I think Manziel is talented enough for an NFL comeback.

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Bobby Roberts (otherwise known as Sweetbob) is the creator of ‘America’s White Boy’ and contributor at Project Shanks. His writing has been featured on ESPN’s ‘SportsNation’, Sports Illustrated’s Hot ClicksGuyspeed, and various other sites. You can follow him on Twitter at @Sweetbob.