Get Strapped In! The Best Mac Games For A Long Weekend

A long weekend in front of your computer is much better than an evening with Netflix, isn’t it? It’s you, and the elements. While most of us consider the PC to be the stalwart of the gaming experience, there’s a lot to be said for the Mac. And there’s a lot to be said for staying in, shutting the curtains, and getting engrossed in a fantastic game. Yes, there are those who are uninitiated in the ways of the weekend indoors, and for those people, here are the best Mac games to get stuck into on a long weekend…

Portal 2

This is one of the big events in modern gaming. It’s a very addictive puzzle game, playing the protagonist Chell, as she attempts to escape from the Aperture research facility. The great thing about this game is that not only is it incredibly engrossing, but it’s as funny as hell! The graphics are incredibly detailed, so it’s important for you to have a Mac that is powerful enough to keep up with the processes. If you encounter problems on your mac, it’s important that you know how to kill process in macOS so that you can restart your system. A game like Portal 2 is thoroughly rewarding, and it benefits repeat playing, but you need to know that you have to have a computer powerful enough to cope. This is something that, if you are a novice gamer, or even new to the whole setup, a computer that’s very slow could severely impact your experience.


Even if you’ve been living under a rock, no doubt you’ve heard of Minecraft, even if you don’t know what it’s about. It’s very addictive, and very simple. In essence, you are building mine shafts and skyscrapers, while keeping an eye out on enemies like Creepers or zombies. The great thing about this game is that the graphics are simplistic, but that’s not what draws you in. So even if you have a computer that’s not particularly fast, the 8-bit graphics mean that you can still get a rewarding gameplay experience. And with this, it’s not just a weekend you could potentially lose, it could be the rest of your life!

League Of Legends And Dota 2

If you don’t want to play by yourself, these are the best options, where you can go online, and develop strategies with other players, and work to coordinate with other teams. The system requirements for this are relatively low, and are free to play just as long as you’re willing to work with a few champions at the outset. This gives you the opportunity to see if the game is your cup of tea.

There is nothing like having a long weekend in front of your Mac, and getting to grips with a thoroughly enthralling adventure. For those out there that haven’t played a game in forever, these are some great suggestions to get on board with. Try it, you might like it, and you might bid goodbye to your Netflix subscription, and your social life, very soon!