Song Of The Day – The Ting Tings (Great DJ)

I can’t turn on the local radio station here in Columbus, OH without hearing something from The Ting Tings. I either listen to sports talk radio or CD101 101.1 FM on my way to work or one of my many trips to Wendy’s. CD101 usually plays great music, but I’m starting to think their play of The Ting Tings’ “Great DJ” is kind of tooting their own horn. I guess if I was a famous writer and I hosted a party, I would either play Stereophonics “Mr. Writer” or The Beatles “Paperback Writer”. I guess if CD 101 was a hip-hop station they would play Lil Wayne’s “Go DJ.” I can’t blame them for this, but it is just one man’s observation.

The Ting Tings are a duo made up of a guy who looks like he shouldn’t be in the group and a hot blonde that looks like she would look good every season of the year. They are from the UK and first gained Stateside fame with their song being played on an iPod commercial. “Shut Up And Let Me Go” was the song and it shot up the charts like most songs featured in the iPod commercial series.

I recently obtained The Ting Tings album “We Started Nothing,” and I really enjoy it. I usually don’t enjoy music with female singers (I can’t describe it, but Paramore, Save Ferris, No Doubt, The Sounds and Blondie are the only bands to challenge this). The Ting Tings should also have a hit with “Great DJ” to save them from the “one-hit wonder” moniker.

Here is the video for “Great DJ.”

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